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Re: Rockett 45 Caliber

Posted by Iago on Feb 23, 2019; 3:40pm
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Rockett-45-Caliber-tp44281p45777.html

I built a little veroboard with two different sets of clipping dides. This is activated by a DPDT on-on switch. I made this so I could compare the 3 clipping diode configurations:

- (4x 1n914 as per IVLark's schematic), which was what I had on my DIY clone, VS:

- the original Animal and 45 Caliber diode clipping (2x 1N4001 and 2x 1N914)

- and the Majestic configuration with two germs and two 4001's.

I removed the 4x19N14's from my board before adding the DPDT clipping selector.


4x 1N914 sound more compressed than the Animal/45 Caliber with the two 4001's.

The Animal/45 original clipping is more open sounding and maybe a little louder (couldn't compare side-by-side actually, since I had to remove all four 914's from my board).

The "Majestic-style" with the two germanium diodes (I used 2x 1N270's):
Has a bit more volume drop than the Animal/45 style and a bit more compression (but not as compressed as the 4x1N914's).

There's a bit more of a "growl" to it, while the Animal/45 clipping is clearer (sounds "less dirty"). Both sound great with fuzz into them (I'm using a Green Russian Big Muff on my board for now). I think I like the Majestic clipping slightly more! I'll keep both clipping options and the DPDT, though.