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Re: Show you pedal guts!

Posted by cylens on Mar 17, 2014; 6:49am
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Show-your-pedal-guts-tp8569p8623.html

it seems soooooo easy when looking at your builds, john.... but i've actually built an Openhaus and:

- i had to file the edges of the board like crazy for it to fit in the 1590BB
- i tried to route the wires the way you did it, but using AWG24 wire... it got REALLY messy
- i've used BIG 470uFs electros, so tall I've had to solder them on a separate daughterboard!!!!
- i couldn't put the 2 other toggle switches on the sides... how did you do this?? did you snip off the lugs?

so congratulations for how clean it looks!