[the dreaded] mu-tron phasor II build... help?

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[the dreaded] mu-tron phasor II build... help?

hi guys, i built this a while ago but am troubleshooting it now, can't for the life of me figure out what i'm doing wrong.

so, the LEDs light up. and all the knobs do what they're supposed to. the problem is that the effect is really weak sounding, AND the LFO seems really lopsided. when i turn the rate all the way down, it sounds (and looks) like the LEDs will ramp up in brightness, then down and then just hold at no brightness (off) for about 3 seconds. then they will ramp up normally, then back down... and then hold at no brightness. it's almost like a sine wave up top and a square wave on the bottom. adjusting the two trimpots does... stuff. but it doesn't fix this issue. also strange: the indicator LED doesn't light up the same way. it's only "on" for a short amount of time, and "off" most of the time.

what i've done:

— 4-checked the layout to see if anything is placed where it shouldn't be. nothing is amiss.
— checked to see if the pots are connected properly. they are.
— checked every strip for solder bridges with multimeter continuity, everything is fine.
— checked both sides of every track cut for continuity, everything is fine.
— swapped out the bottom right IC for a new one, same issue.

the only thing i can think of that i haven't tried is that i use ferrite beads on the DC and input rail for noise reduction... could this somehow be affecting the pedal?
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Re: [the dreaded] mu-tron phasor II build... help?

anyone? don't make me re-live it!
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Re: [the dreaded] mu-tron phasor II build... help?

As to the effect being really weak sounding, are you isolating the circuit from ambient light when testing it? The LDRs need to be in complete darkness other than the LED for it to work properly.
Someone might be able to help you better if you post pictures of front and back of the board and take voltage readings at all IC pins and post those as well.