"the wrong type" of multilayer monolithic caps?

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"the wrong type" of multilayer monolithic caps?

M. Spencer
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I am trying to pinpoint why my Ghost Echo is all noisy, and I remember reading on a forum that (after I had already bought a bunch of these) the inexpensive tayda multi mono caps can be the cause of excess noise and that one needs to use specifically rated brands for the best results.
I can't find that post to double check that I understood it correctly.

Anyone have unsatisfying experiences using the cheap multi monos?
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Re: "the wrong type" of multilayer monolithic caps?

The multilayer ceramics have different classes which will give you difference tolerances, noise, working temperature ranges, distortion etc etc.

You will often see a 3 digit code in the description.  I will avoid Z5U and Y5U which have an awful +22/−56% tolerance and crap overall characteristics.  X7R are better all round and the ones I have bought have a 10% tolerance.  NP0/C0G are at the higher end of the scale will 5% or lower tolerance and far superior characteristics in all areas but more difficult to find, and expensive in higher values.

If you do a search I'm sure you'll find a table which explains this code numbering system.
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Re: "the wrong type" of multilayer monolithic caps?

That's interesting. I have looked at the Tayda website, and they list them as 5ZU, but with a tolerance of + or - 10%.

I've never bought any from Tayda - all mine come from Chinese/Hong Kong ebay sellers, and I've looked through all the batches I have bought, and they are all labelled as X7R. I guess I've been lucky so far - I've used them an awful lot, and never had a problem.

I'll definately keep an eye on the codes when ordering in the future.
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Re: "the wrong type" of multilayer monolithic caps?

If they're Z5U then they're not +/- 10%, the U tells you the poor tolerance info.
But yes I think most of the Chinese sellers I've bought from have been X7R as well which are great I reckon.
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Re: "the wrong type" of multilayer monolithic caps?

Wow, I never knew this Mark. I often use Tayda multilayer ceramics. Never thought twice about them. They are small and always seem to work fine for me. I've never had a problems. I don't have a meter that can read caps so I can't say if they are far from there marked values. Hmmmm....
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Re: "the wrong type" of multilayer monolithic caps?

I'm not saying they're bad for our use or anything, I do have some Z5Us and have used them with the same sort of results I get from the X7R's.  They definitely have more distortion but I really don't know how distortion is quantified in the real world when using caps in pedals, who knows, non linearities like distortion may actually have a positive effect on the things we build.  My only concern with them really is the tolerance.  It's bad enough as it is, but as the temperature range on them isn't great it means that capacitance value will change when moving from a hot to a cold room, and so I'm more concerned about consistent and predictable results.
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Re: "the wrong type" of multilayer monolithic caps?

M. Spencer
Thanks folks. Other than the value code mine are not marked on the body. I also looked up the specs on Taydas site and, assuming they haven't changed suppliers since I stocked up a few months ago, they are Z5U. It's also says they are +/- 10%...  strange...

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Re: "the wrong type" of multilayer monolithic caps?

I also noticed +/- 10% on Tayda MMCs.  They are dirt cheap compared to other caps, especially in higher values.

I am interested in hearing about responses. I posted about tantalums before. The main thing is that I just don't like dealing with tall electrolytics, and I have found plenty of tants for the same prices as low-profile electrolytics.

So - that is good to know about the tolerance and I need to test the MMCs I have (which I believe I got a set of everything from 10p to 47u, 25 pieces apiece; for a very low price on eBay).

I do think it is "a bit of a naff" (as they say) to see so many mods that recommend changing out cheap (usually ceramic) caps for Panasonic film caps. But at the same time I also admit I err on the side of going with better caps all the time (I only use panasonics, tants or mica) and I have not found the cost to be outrageous when I only build about one or two pedals a week.

For example, I bought a full set of Mica/film small value caps from 5p to 680p  (about 100 pieces all together) about a year ago for $40 and I still have 75% of them. You only use one once in awhile.

I guess I am just saying that unless you are building hundreds of pedals a week, why worry so much about a difference between 5-cents and 30-cents for just a few of the total parts you use?

I just bought 50 47uF tants on eBay for $15.  (http://www.ebay.com/itm/270992502524?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT) - that's only $.31 apiece. You can hardly buy electrolytics that cheap.
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Re: "the wrong type" of multilayer monolithic caps?

M. Spencer
So I just replaced all the multi monos with box caps; no discernable change. That noise is still there in the Ghost Echo, washing in like the surf whenever I sound a note.

I guess the cheapo Tayda multis work fine