those ME4003s on ebay

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Re: those ME4003s on ebay

alright tjdracz, i'm ready to get some of these. how can we do this?
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Re: those ME4003s on ebay

How many you want? Let me know and I'll double check postage costs and get back to you
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Re: those ME4003s on ebay

Also, when we're at it, any more takers since I'm ordering them?
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Re: those ME4003s on ebay

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Re: those ME4003s on ebay

Yes it is. Postage should be £3.50 as long as it's under 100g, if it's more, then it's £5. Should be less then 100g, even for 300 of them, right?
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Re: those ME4003s on ebay

In reply to this post by rocket88
So it's £7.70 per 100 plus £0.60 postage to uk (I'll cover the first pack £1.50, £0.60 is per additional pack) and then should be £3.50-5 for the whole lot'a airmail to USA or any other country outside Europe. If that's all fine with you, I can order them and you just send me money through PayPal and I get it send over as soon as it gets here :)
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Re: those ME4003s on ebay

In reply to this post by tjdracz
yeah i want just the one lot i think
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Re: those ME4003s on ebay

i'm down, i'll take 300, should be enough to hold me over for a long time. i'm very slowly catching up to everyone with their horde of parts. btw, you find anything over here you needed/wanted?
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Re: those ME4003s on ebay

Nah, got nothing I need at the moment :) drop me an email at tjdracz[at]gmail[.com] and we'll get all the details. Same for you, adapt.
Also the seller is in Birmingham so I might even be able to.pick it up, not that it will save money, as the postage is same as bus pass but at least I'll have it sooner!
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Re: those ME4003s on ebay

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Re: those ME4003s on ebay

I just picked up a batch of these fellas. Looking forward to seeing how they sound!

I saw the Geiri uses them in his Fuzz Face variants, which implies that they must be pretty awesome.
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Re: those ME4003s on ebay

They're my favourite transistors in a Fuzz Face / Meathead type circuit, so it's definitely recommended to get some while you still can, and before they start selling for silly prices in singles like the 2N5133.
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Re: those ME4003s on ebay

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Re: those ME4003s on ebay

I'm going to put together a Meathead for a friend this evening. Could anyone give me the pinouts for these fellas?

Kind of off topic, but last time I made a Meathead I changed the 120k resistor to a 100k one just because I didn't have 120k at the time. I realise I could have just joined a couple of resistors together, but I thought I'd experiment. Could anyone tell me what this resistor is actually for in the circuit just so I know what exactly it was that I changed?
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Re: those ME4003s on ebay

With the pins pointing at you

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Re: those ME4003s on ebay

In reply to this post by inefficiency
Oh and that's a feedback resistor, used for voltage feedback biasing.
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Re: those ME4003s on ebay

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Cool, thanks Mark!

Could you give me a super brief explanation of what changing this resistor would do? Or even just if the change I made will make much of a difference?

I think I might just knock 2 together and socket every component in one of them and just keep it for experimentation. Use it for learning and as a testbed for new transistors.

EDIT: I'm thinking maybe lowering the value allows more current through and biases the transistor a bit hotter? Could be wrong, but its worth a try
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Re: those ME4003s on ebay

Yes If you lower it it should get hotter.  Check out RG's Technology of a Fuzz Face, he's my usual source for good information , and as it covers most of the Meathead circuit it should be a good read for you at the moment.
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Re: those ME4003s on ebay

Awesome. Thanks again Mark!
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Re: those ME4003s on ebay

ah! mine came today! thank you so much, you legend you!