tube cricket amp

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tube cricket amp

Looking into building the tube cricket which I don't think is too far off the noisy cricket amp but can't find it all on a nice neat veroboard layout.
Also thinking of swapping out the tone section for a full tone stack, maybe testing a boost in front of it (even a valve caster) and adding a headphone socket

Just wondered if anybody up for it?  (I'm terrible at layouts)

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Re: tube cricket amp

I'd be all over this if a good vero layout was published.
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Re: tube cricket amp

Read through this:

Doesn't look like anyone has verified it yet though.
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Re: tube cricket amp

Yep, I read through that.  It's not verified and somewhere someone talks about one row being moved but not updated in the layout, no one confirms, and then there are a lot of aspects that are left up to the assumptions of people who are smarter than me.  

I'd say those layouts represent about 75% of a good layout.

If a layout were posted here by IVIark or Mirosol I guarantee it'd be verified/reported faulty in days if not hours.

Personally, I'm addicted to IVIark's and Miro's layouts.  They make sense and they're very good at pointing out things that neophytes, such as myself, might go all boggly-eyed at.