wampler ectasy bugs

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wampler ectasy bugs

Hi , I've just finished building this pedal which by all accounts is awesome , but I've yet to experience it properly. I know it's verified so it's an issue with my build but I'm hoping someone who built it may know a solution. The pedal works , in bypass no worries, but engaging the pedal and it sounds more like a fuzz than overdrive. in the layout it says connect gain 2 and 3 together on the board and to the switch. I have a wire coming off the board connected to 2 and 3 linked on the gain pot and a wire from there to the switch , is that right ? The volume and tone seem to work ok but the bass acts more like a volume and the gain quickly becomes unstable. I am guessing it's a short somewhere or an incorrect connection . Any help is appreciated
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Re: wampler ectasy bugs

 I got it sorted , turns out there was a small short between a couple of pins on the IC , now it works as it should. Now to grow back all the hair I pulled out.Sounds very good by the way