wampler triple wreck

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wampler triple wreck

I have some tantalum capacitors for the 1uf caps.  Since they are polarized i am having a difficult time figuring out which direction they need to be in.  Is there a schematic I can reference or can someone just tell me.  Thanks
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Re: wampler triple wreck

It's not always as simple as that.  Non polar caps can always be used somewhere that a polar cap has been used but it's not always the same the other way around.  If one end of the cap was connected to ground or close to the supply then it would be obvious which way to keep the polarity, but the thing that concerns me with a coupling cap in the signal path is that voltages can change within the pedal when you turn the pots and there is a possibility that the higher voltage at one side of the cap can change.  

Probably the best way to do would be to build it up with everything excluding the 1u caps, then measure the voltage between either side of where they are to connect and ground.  Put the negative lead to the lowest voltage and then test it through all the settings to see that it is ok.  

Personally though, I would get some of these and not have to worry about it:

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Re: wampler triple wreck

I had that feeling.  What's funny is I already ordered those minutes before you replied!  Thanks for the quick reply.  
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Re: wampler triple wreck

Anyone had any issues with volume on this build?  Everything works but the volume is much lower than expected.  Even with the volume at max I can not achieve unity with my dry signal.
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Re: wampler triple wreck

Strange, mine works perfectly and I'm not having this issue with volume.

I'm afraid I can't offer any more help than that so far, I'm not home...sorry.
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Re: wampler triple wreck

In reply to this post by peavey_xxl
An audio probe will show you the problem component quickly.  Just check against the schematic and find out where the problem starts in the circuit
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Re: wampler triple wreck

Thanks,  I will investigate the problem once I'm off work.  Thanks for the suggestion Mark
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Re: wampler triple wreck

Found the problem and now it is loud and I think my neighbors next to me have a strong hate for me now!
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Re: wampler triple wreck

Ok it sounds excellent but what would cause it to become microphonic?  I can tap the enclosure and hear it in the amp.  would this be a grounding issue?  anyway I will do further investigating.
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Re: wampler triple wreck

Did you find the answer to the microphonic issue?  I'm seeing the same thing on my build.  I've also got an intermittent crackling sound that I can't quite nail down.  It sounds great but this issue is bugging the hell out of me.
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Re: wampler triple wreck

Most high gain circuits are microphonic at some point.  If you haven't tried star grounding I highly recommend it.  This helps with some of the noise in mine
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Re: wampler triple wreck

Curious to know why you use star grounding. Also keen to understand how you wire a star ground in a stomp box.
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Re: wampler triple wreck

In reply to this post by peavey_xxl
I  finished this one today,wiiiicked.
Super heavy and pinch harmonics on tap.
Mine has a lot of "noise" when gain is turned right up too ,but past 3'oclock theres too much dirt for me.
When gain is turned right up and tap on the guitar you do get noise thru the amp but but you sorta gotta expect that with hi-gain circuits.
I only used the standard pedal grounding ,like the one shown on this great fx site in offboard wiring !

If an alien invasion fleet could be destroyed by heavy metal sound waves.....then this would be my weapon of choice ! Haha  


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Re: wampler triple wreck

In reply to this post by adstrum
Star grounding consists of all the grounds going to one point on the build.  This will eliminate ground loops that pickup excess noise. Since grounding this way I have had no problem with noise or radio interference.  
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Re: wampler triple wreck

In reply to this post by peavey_xxl
Where abouts are you putting the ground point for the star grounding ? e.g - on a bolt through enclosure,negative pin on power supply jack ?