what do you think community?(ethical question...)

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what do you think community?(ethical question...)

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
when do you think is the right time to upload a vero-layout from a schem that an other person made... and i'm not talking about boss pedals...!
i love some people work and i really appreciate that they give this work-schems to the rest of us in this community.
i don't want to play hide and seek. i had this question cause i've worked on collosalus.  i'm talking about madbean!
they make great effects and i love every one that i've build.
(dirtbaby yeah...!!!)
i've just made a vero for collosalus and i don't know if it's ok to upload it.
should i wait until this will be Discontinued???
or just sent them an e-mail to ask?
or...what would you do?

thanks for any input.
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Re: what do you think community?(ethical question...)

You're so conscienscious :P

I really don't think madbean would mind. They're supportive of DIYers. As an example they already have layouts for people to etch their own single sided version of most of their PCBs.
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Re: what do you think community?(ethical question...)

Yeah I don't think he would mind either and he would probably be impressed that you managed a vero for that project. If it would give you peace of mind, you should ask him. Send him an email or join the madbean forum and pm him, its a great forum anyway and one of my favorite places on the interwebz.
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Re: what do you think community?(ethical question...)

Yeah, I don't think there would be a problem. We have a bunch of Madbean veros here already.  To be honest, I don't think vero layouts really impact the PCB business given the effort it takes to build on vero versus a PCB.  To be honest, if there is a good PCB for an effect I want, I'll go for the PCB unless I want to try out some minor or major modification of the circuit.  In fact, I recently purchased and built the Madbean Sparklehorn - it's a PT2399 delay coupled with a an overdrive.  Great circuit!!   
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Re: what do you think community?(ethical question...)

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
thanks guys!
i was just thinking that it's really good to support madbean after all those effects they gave to us, but i didn't want my passion in vero-drawing to sabotage in anyway their effort.
thanks again
i'll upload my layout.