x fuzz (deadastronaut) help tweaking for bass

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x fuzz (deadastronaut) help tweaking for bass

I recently built the abvoe mentioned pedal from the layout posted here.
Im fairly new to pedal building and a little unsure n how this pedal works exactly

the only change iv'e made is changing the right led to a green one.
It sounds great with bass as is but it doesn't hold the low end quite enough. Would altering the input and output caps help or would i benefit more adding a clean blend?

also iv'e heard that adding a clean blend can cause phase issues. will this work with a clean blend?
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Re: x fuzz (deadastronaut) help tweaking for bass

Begin by changing the 10n cap to a 22n or 47n or even a 100n (put in sockets so you can just keep plugging them in)

The 100n seems to be the output cap

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Re: x fuzz (deadastronaut) help tweaking for bass

Ive already changed the input cap to 100n. it seems to be a little bassier now. just have to see how it performs in a band situation now.