xmas greetings

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xmas greetings

Hey everybody,

Just wanted to wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Peace and good will to all and may all your boards fire up first time every time.

Now where's that bottle opener gone?

Cheers Bogey
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Re: xmas greetings

Happy Holidays to all of you guys. Will be bothering all of you a lot the next year ;)
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Re: xmas greetings

Best wishes to all of you, especially those of you who give up so much of their time to produce such a fantastic and highly addictive resource as this.
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Re: xmas greetings

In reply to this post by bogey
Merry Christmas everybody! Hope you all have a great time and eat lots of tasty food :)
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Re: xmas greetings

Silver Blues
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you're all having as much fun as I am these few days
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: xmas greetings

A merry Christmas to everyone as well. while i haven't been able to build anything for myself, i'm looking forward to finishing some builds for me that have been sitting around, and doing some builds i've wanted to do for a long time, but haven't gotten around to building.

oh and i'm not sure if anyone remembers i posted the schematic for the Moog board for a 77-80 Gibson RD Artist bass, well i managed to get my hands on a real 1978 Gibson RD Artist bass with the Moog board that i'm restoring. it's a 1 of 1 that was refinished in white by Gibson in 1980, which was never offered in white. total project as the pickups are gone, and hardware stripped. but it gives me a legit reason to upgrade it lol.
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Re: xmas greetings

In reply to this post by bogey
Thanks and merry Christmas to everyone.  I hope those who celebrate have a great time and those who don't enjoy the break!