zen fizz

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zen fizz

Howdy!  Thanks for the great site!  been lurking for about a month.  This (zen) was my first pedal build.  It has a hint of "fizz" that is driving my crazy.  It is most apparent on heavy attack.  If I play soft enough I can make it disappear all together.  Is this a characteristic of this pedal?  Can I dial it out?  will changing the transistors make a difference?  Thanks!  -NJH
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Re: zen fizz

I get that too, which is why I dumped it for my Timmy build.  It's a shame, though I can't tolerate fuzz or crackle on decaying notes.  
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Re: zen fizz

So does that mean it is a characteristic of "the sound"?  How would I go about getting rid of it?

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Re: zen fizz

Hi, I've made a few Zens and never experienced 'fizz' etc so I don't think it's a characteristic of the pedal. Maybe an OpAmp issue? I use AD712's on mine and all components are exact to the layout.
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Re: zen fizz

Thanks.  Since it seems to be an issue of dynamics, should I investigate the input to the transistors, or opAmp?
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Re: zen fizz

I agree about a potential op amp issue.  i've had a few overdrives sizzle and fixed 'em with 4558p and 4559p (my favs for this issue).  I've only used a OPA2604 in the Zen, so maybe it's time to swap.