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1-Knob Delay?

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1-Knob Delay?

108 posts
Hey All,

Does anyone out there have a layout for a super SIMPLE delay circuit?  Maybe a 2399 delay with just 1 control (delay) with which you can always add an optional volume control.

I know the Crap-fi delay is pretty low parts count, but I'm looking for something even more compact, if possible.

Let me know what you think!
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Re: 1-Knob Delay?

94 posts
The Madbean Cave Dweller is tiny, and it sounds great IMO. I'm sure you could used trim pots or fixed resistors for the dwell and echo settings and only put the Time knob on the outside.
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Re: 1-Knob Delay?

1993 posts
In reply to this post by spacefuzz74
If we're talking about the original version of the Cave Dweller, I can't think of a worse sounding delay ever made either commercially or DIY. It fits in a 1590A. That is literally the only good thing about it. If you make a 1 knob Cave Dweller, I think you will have made the absolute worst delay pedal of all time lol
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Re: 1-Knob Delay?

108 posts
In reply to this post by gul
I don't mind the sound of the Cave Dweller either, it darkens the sound up a bit, and is pretty lo-fi, but i like that.

i was hoping that maybe there was an even more minimal delay build using the 2399.  if i find one i'll post it, but i may just stick to the CD.

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Re: 1-Knob Delay?

94 posts
Even the application circuits in the PT2399 datasheet have a lot of components so I'm not sure how minimal one can get.

That said, I've been wanting to do a routeable-with-patch-cables multi-delay and haven't come up with any better ideas than four identical PT2399 delays and a buffered mixer.  Will be keeping an eye on this thread in case something neat and simple comes up!