14K7 MF resistor

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14K7 MF resistor


Total newbie here, Probably a stupid question but i can't seem to find a 14K7 metalfilm resistor.  I'm looking to build the Mad Professor Fire Red Fuzz.

I've looked on ebay and bitsbox but the only ones i can find are expensive.  Is this normal?

Thanks in advance

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Re: 14K7 MF resistor

some pedals, mostly BJFE and Mad Professor pedals use some odd resistor values, well not so much odd values just a different type so to speak. some of the values you'll find them NOS by Dale or carbon comp Allen Bradley, which can be price. but, in any even event ask and you shall receive.


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Re: 14K7 MF resistor


Thanks very much.
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Re: 14K7 MF resistor

Neil mcNasty
In reply to this post by PMowdes
You can also do like I do in these cases:
Solder a 12K and a 2.7K resistor in series, and you got 14.7K
This way you do not have to wait for the correct part to arrive in order to finish your build.
You can replace it later if you like, but in my world I'm happy with this way of doing it, even if it looks a bit less "professional"...
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Re: 14K7 MF resistor

In reply to this post by PMowdes
As well as Neil's suggestion, you could also use a 10k and a 4k7 (4.7k), wired in series to get 14k7 (14.7k).

Alternatively, you could just use a 15k resistor, which is close enough.
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Re: 14K7 MF resistor

That resistor is used to bias the last JFET (2N5485).  15K should be fine, but I'd check the drain voltage to make sure it's in the ballpark of 4.5V.  
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Re: 14K7 MF resistor


Cheers everyone, no doubt i'll be back here with more stupid questions once i get all the parts together.  

In the mean time if anyone needs to know anything about brewing feel free to ask away :)
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Re: 14K7 MF resistor

don't worry about it man, there really are no stupid questions. i mean this is how you learn, ya know?

anyways, don't get me started on brewing. i've been looking at getting involved in doing some myself, but have been warned can be a slippery slope, and i have way too many expensive hobbies already. but, i really do want to do some home brewing one of these days.
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Re: 14K7 MF resistor

In reply to this post by PMowdes
Hey, stupid questions is my thing already! ;)

Don't worry, there are very knowledgable and helpful people here.

More of a drinker than brewer myself, but will keep it in mind! :)
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Re: 14K7 MF resistor

In reply to this post by PMowdes
I like to buy 5% resistors for these types of use.  If you have a pile of 5% tolerance 15K resistors, you can test them with your multimeter and chances are you'll find a 14K7 resistor in the set.  I usually don't need to test more than 10 or 15 before I find one that fits.

How much gypsum for an all grain 4oz dry hopped 5 gal IPA?  Serious question because my 85IBU and up batches always come out soapy tasting.