1590A 3pdt PCB?

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1590A 3pdt PCB?

Hey guys,

does anyone know of a good PCB hookup board for a 3pdt stomp that'll fit in a 1590a? I use 1776effects' for my 1590B's, but I'd love to have something really slick and small for a 1590a. Especially if it had an LED/CLR onboard. I have some 4site boards that would work, but they don't have the LED/CLR...
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Re: 1590A 3pdt PCB?


You can trim these down to barely fit but if you drill off at all you will have issues


you can install sideways ( just turn switch 90 degrees) with led on top

let me know if you want to try them
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Re: 1590A 3pdt PCB?


actual not sure side ways would work, I do not think you would have enough room for the jacks.  I sanded down the sides slightly to get it to fit but all the connections are fine.
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Re: 1590A 3pdt PCB?

In reply to this post by toddvirgil
There's this guy looking to offload some cheap:
Q: Why is a drummer like a scud missile?
A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.
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Re: 1590A 3pdt PCB?


Stinger's on this board as well, I got 30 of his boards a while back and he probably still has some.
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Re: 1590A 3pdt PCB?

In reply to this post by Jopn
Thanks Guys -- those are the ones I saw a while back and couldn't find again... very cool.