I just wanted to tell you guys that I've been using these for a while now and probably built at least 50+ pedals using these and they work so great. They've sped up my custom builds a lot. With my production pedals I've got special designed PCB which I solder the footswitch onto.
My tip to use these effectively:
- I have the DC jack next to the input jack and use a cutoff from a component that goes from the GND of the DC jack to the sleeve of the input jack. Doing that grounds the input jack and the whole enclosure, as well as the output jack.
- Using three of the GND pads on the PCB for wiring whatever needs ground (circuit board and pots in some cases) the last GND pad goes to the output sleeve, grounding the PCB.
There's one thing I wish these PCBs had and that's 9V support so that you could just put a wire from the DC jack to the PCB, giving the LED power and an additional 9V output or two for the circuit. Other than that, I'm very happy with these and I'll definitely keep buying them.
I've attached a few pictures of me using these boards:
