9v multiplier to give 24v

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9v multiplier to give 24v

Hi guys , loving the site, its been a great help so far with all the cool things but just thought I'd be cheeky and ask if anybody had a circuit to multiply 9v to 24v to power a EHX Qtron . I noticed Diago are doing one but at £60 hardly viable . Fingers crossed and if you need any more info feel free to jump in.

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Re: 9v multiplier to give 24v

Check out the charge pump I posted for the Boob Tube:

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Re: 9v multiplier to give 24v

In reply to this post by GameOver
Cheers for the quick response mark . Much appreciated, must have missed the boobs for some reason ha ha just a quick one I presume if I tinker with the diode I can get nearer 24v or passing 9v will bring it nearer to 24v . Not sure how critical the qtron is
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Re: 9v multiplier to give 24v

I'd build it and see what measurement you get first, then if it's a bit high you can just put a diode or chain of diodes in series with the 9V supply to bring it down at the start of the circuit.  That should allow you to fine tune it pretty exactly.  Or maybe even use a little trimmer at the 9V input which should let you dial it in exactly.

By the way if the 33V setting of the layout isn't going to be used you can ditch the two far right diodes, and two far left caps completely and save 4 columns of space to get it a bit smaller.  No point in including them if they aren't going to be used.