A or B and A+B switchable loop

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A or B and A+B switchable loop

Hi there,

I just can't get my head around this one.. Is it possible to have a switch pedal where you have:

Loop A (Send and return jack) and
Loop B (Send and return jack)

With switch 1 you switch between loop A or B
With switch 2 you switch between both ON, or ONE of them on.

I just can't seem to put it together in my head. Is this possible? Is there a layout for it? My google skills aren't good enough for this one (no idea how to describe it)

Hope someone has an idea!
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Re: A or B and A+B switchable loop

Loops in series or parallel? If in series, when both are engaged, which loop comes first?
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Re: A or B and A+B switchable loop

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In reply to this post by Marbles
I think you are describing an AB-Y dual looper, like this one:


So you need three footswitches - loop A on/off, loop B on/off, both loops together on/off.

Here's a layout for one with a tuner/mute out as well:

You can omit the tuner/mute out section if you don't need it.
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Re: A or B and A+B switchable loop

Ah yes, awesome!

That is exactly what I need Beaker. So it is possible, great!

Now to find a good diagram. From what I see a lot of different switch options are called ABY. Mostly using the second switch as a bypass. So far none with 3 switches (or where the second acts as a 'both-switch'  instead of bypass).

You don't happen to have a layout for that laying(..) around somewhere by any chance? Not trying to be rude, but worth a shot :)
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Re: A or B and A+B switchable loop

Just added one to previous post!
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Re: A or B and A+B switchable loop

Thanks for your looking that up!

Unfortunately that layout defeats the purpose a little. I'm trying to build something for a friend. He basically has 2 sounds: 2 pedals for cleanish overdriven sound with a delay and one pedal for distortion.

He wants to have a switch where he can instantly toggle between the cleanish and distortion sound.
So 1 switch that selects loop A or B. Tap it for A, tap it again for B etc. The layout would mean he still has to switch loop B off and activate loop A at the same time.

Sometimes he wants them all together for a boos though. It would be awesome to have a second switch that gives you both loops at the same time. So tap it for both, tap it again for the selection you have made with switch 1.

A bypass would be nice, but not necessary. He could run his guitar signal into the switcher and mute his signal with that.

So basically, the link that you provided is the perfect answer for what i'm looking for! Minus the bypass switch though. It's not really necessary and ads an extra 5-7 euros..

But thank you!