Aaand it's on!

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Aaand it's on!

I'm taking a (hopefully) short brake from building pedals... for the next weeks I'll be building a JCM800 2204...

Wish me luck!
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Re: Aaand it's on!

Silver Blues
Good luck! That'll be sick when it's done.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Aaand it's on!

In reply to this post by Surgeon
Good luck.  I think we'll probably see some amp turret layouts appearing here at some point.  There are a few I'd like to build but have stayed away from killer voltages so far
I'd want to be completely sure I'm not going to kill anyone before I do them though, so maybe I'll order Merlin's book first and start revising
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Re: Aaand it's on!

Too much risk! We should just stick to Runoffgroove builds and maybe run then with simple power amps. It ain't a tube, but hey, definitely not gonna kill you with the measly 18v! ;p
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Re: Aaand it's on!

How the hell do you all post on these threads without having "In reply to this post by xxx" at the top of your posts?  It's driving me mad!

I'm supposed to be an IT type guy but I don't half feel thick
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Re: Aaand it's on!

haha. we'll i'm going to be in the same boat once summer hits. i'm going to try building an electric/green amp. i just have to figure out how to take a schematic and convert it to turretboard, for some reason i feel like its more complicated then i think it is. for those that don't know about electric/green amps, here's a clone of their power unit, and will be similar to what i'm planning. electric/green were connected to matamp and orange back in the day before they split and the importation changed to the US. they are very similar to the old 70's matamp/orange designs with some minor changes, and can sound heavy as hell or get that great 70's tube amp tone.

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Re: Aaand it's on!

In reply to this post by IvIark
IvIark wrote
How the hell do you all post on these threads without having "In reply to this post by xxx" at the top of your posts?  It's driving me mad!

I'm supposed to be an IT type guy but I don't half feel thick
I'm pretty sure that this happens when you go from the thread list to the last post by clicking on the time of posting, this gives the additional hash code to the address and it seems to somehow break "in reply to" thing
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Re: Aaand it's on!

Or maybe also replying to the last post, im confused too and it's gonna drive me mad now!
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Re: Aaand it's on!

In reply to this post by Surgeon
Also looking at the threaded view is confusing. The ones with the dots seem to be ones without the header!
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Re: Aaand it's on!

Ok, I think I've figured it out, looks like it's just replying to the last post!
Sorry for the abundance of messages, had to figure it out, otherwise I wouldn't sleep at night ;)
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Re: Aaand it's on!

I just realized I didn't wish you good luck. I feel like such an ass, now. I'm sure the amp will be awesome when it's done.
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Re: Aaand it's on!

In reply to this post by tjdracz
tjdracz wrote
Ok, I think I've figured it out, looks like it's just replying to the last post!
Sorry for the abundance of messages, had to figure it out, otherwise I wouldn't sleep at night ;)
Aaaah!  You hero.  It was really pissing me off
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Re: Aaand it's on!

Thanks for the wishes fellas, It's going slowly but it is going forward...

Rocket: I'd love to build one of those! I'm starting at the bottom with a kit for this time.
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Re: Aaand it's on!

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Re: Aaand it's on!

In reply to this post by Surgeon
Yea I was thinking about getting a kit, and then building the green, but then I thought what the hell I might as well jump in with both feet, not knowing how to swim, and without any arm floaties. Lol. The schematic isn't available, know how it goes.  

I've always wanted a jcm800, but my gf thinks I have too much "stuff" since I place guitar and bass, so I figure my excuse is the green can do double duty if need be.

I still got to order parts, and have been collecting resources and suppliers. I'm going to see if I can get one of them to put everything I need together so I only have to rider from one places. If all things workout with it I might be able to help you out.

Btw, Mark and suggestions in creating a point-to-point turretboard layout from a schematic? Is it as simple as literally making each part connect where you see it on the schematic. I need to make sure it's neat, and easily serviceable.
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Re: Aaand it's on!

In reply to this post by Surgeon
Good Luck with that, hope it all goes well.

I'm currently building a PIC controlled pickup winding machine - always fun to mix it up a little.
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Re: Aaand it's on!

Well well well... the beast worked at the first power-up! Quite a good feeling. However, I've spent countless hours in the last week trying to get rid of a hummm. Everything points to it coming from v2 but I can't for the life of me get rid of it. Haven't found anything wrong, chopsticked the hell out of the wires all around the amp, changed tubes, reflowed solder joints, checked the connections a million times...

it's 120hz so everyone who's helping me thinks either ground loop or bad filter-cap but everything checks out. It's probably something stupid but I really can't find it.

It's quite a more frustrating process than a pedal (IMHO) considering that we're talking aobut 800$ Worth of parts (shipping kits is expensive) instead fof 25$ with a pedal.

The good news is that the amp sounds superb nonetheless (it's not a noise that would be that problematic if I were to play at gigging level) but I definitely HAVE to get rid of it... it shouldn't be there.

However, I'm contemplating taking a week off from troubleshooting (if I can), I'm obsessive by nature and this ain't good.

I'll post pics soon.
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Re: Aaand it's on!

Awesome. Glad to here it works. I have to agree that it he hum is most like lye a filter cap or ground. I'm still doing research and searching for parts to build the green, and people keep saying that if there's a hum it's most likely one of the two mentioned causes.
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Re: Aaand it's on!

Oh yeah, I finally got it silent. A week and a half of trouble-shooting was a bit fustrating but it was worth it. Now I'll probably end-up tweaking it a bit but I'm pretty happy with it. So light tweaking only.

It' sunny outside so expect pics soon...
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Re: Aaand it's on!

What was the problem?