Acoustic Preamp?

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Acoustic Preamp?

Anyone have a good acoustic preamp to use with a K&K Pure Mini style pickup? K&K says the preamp needs to have a 1m input impedance. I'm gonna put one of these pickups on an old archtop, and I'll need a good preamp for it.
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Re: Acoustic Preamp?


There's a design over on that might work
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Re: Acoustic Preamp?

Neil mcNasty
In reply to this post by Kinski
The Tillman Preamp is perfect for this application, and you'll find it here:
Not only does is sound amazing, but it is probably the easiest build you can find!

If you want to make it even better, you can do like I did and add the Craig Anderton Passive EQ after it, followed by a second Tillman Preamp at the end.
It also sounds great on Bass.
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Re: Acoustic Preamp?

Thanks for the replies!

Neil, that looks like it might do the job. I've read that the pickup prefers 1m on the input impedence. Any less will get trebly, and any more will get bassy. Do you know if I would be able to swap that 3m resistor for a 1m without any issues? Guess its easy enough to just build it and experiment.
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Re: Acoustic Preamp?

Neil mcNasty
I have not tried the Tillman Preamp with a 1M resistor, but I build mine with a 3.3M
As far as I can tell, going higher is not a problem, it's the other way around that is an issue.
I suspect they mean that that the pickup prefers a "minimum" of 1M input impedance.
I say: stick a 3.3M where it says 3M.

The Tillman has a rich and full bottom end, and should it get too bassy, you can experiment with lowering the output cap.
One of my builds has a rotary switch with 5 cap options at the output, for bass cut variations.
Works like a charm!
You can also use a DPDT (on/on) switch with the original cap and a lower one on the other side, if a multiple cap rotary is a bit overkill...
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Re: Acoustic Preamp?

Thanks for this. First I gotta install some electronics on the guitar. Then I'll build this preamp. I think I'll try to pair it with a Sea Blue EQ (with added mid control). I've heard that circuit works really well with acoustics and piezos.