Adding Delay Time Indicator LED to PT2399 Based Delay

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Adding Delay Time Indicator LED to PT2399 Based Delay

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not sure if this is possible as i know that the Deep Blue Delay is PT2399 based rather then LFO based, but does any one know if it's possible to add a delay time indicator LED. i found some info posted over at DIYSB, but not completely sure about it how to add it to the existing Deep Blue Delay with tails layout.

and side note, i may be completely missing it in the notes, but what connects to lug 3 and lug 6 of the DPDT switch?
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Re: Adding Delay Time Indicator LED to PT2399 Based Delay

Ciaran Haslett
Stomp 1 and 2 are allowing the connection through C3 (1uf).  Check out Madbeans Sea Urchin scheme.

This is the input to the PT2399.  So pin 3 is left unconnected to break this connection and allow no more input signal from the guitar but the IC still puts out whatever went in before this path was broken through the mix pot, hence tails.

As for your first seems to me that all you need is a connection from Pin 5 (clock out) of the PT to connect to R O Tirees logic circuit.  You could maybe do an daughterboard of that and connect its input to the hole under Delay 1 in Marks layout.

Edit:  Lug 6 is unused.  Just 4 and 5 for the usual LED indicator
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Re: Adding Delay Time Indicator LED to PT2399 Based Delay

Ciaran Haslett
In reply to this post by rocket88
Layout matches the schematic.  Got it as small as I could but its still a lump for all it's doing!

Tiree mentions the possibility of noise and recommends keeping this ground and the effect ground as isolated as possible.

I'm currently halfway through a DBD with tails and TBpass into a 1590BB with 2 stomps.  This should fit in the BB so I may be tempted to give it a spin.  Need those ICs tho

Hopefully someone will find use for it anyway.

Good luck

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Re: Adding Delay Time Indicator LED to PT2399 Based Delay

In reply to this post by Ciaran Haslett
thanks man. if i ever make it to ireland, or you make it to the nyc area i owe you a beer. if you make it here not only is there a few good pubs near my house, but i also keep my beer fridge full stocked, don't worry IPA's go first so they don,t sit around.

i figured lug 3&6 are not connected, it's just odd to see switch wiring where they're are empty lugs, ya know? but, isn't pin 4 for the LED and pin 5 for ground?

man, that daughterboard is massive. it really makes it not that important of an add on. i just finally started trying to make my enclosures look good, and have a design for one and thought it would be cool to have the eye blink for the delay. i might give this a whirl for another build that will have multiple circuits in it. it's going to be a psych-box.
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Re: Adding Delay Time Indicator LED to PT2399 Based Delay

Ciaran Haslett
Haha no sweat lad!  I've never been known to turn down a free beer, no matter how far I had to go to get it!

I hear ye on the empty lugs.  I feel the same way wiring up pots as variables.  Always looks wrong no matter how right it is.

You got me interested though...turns out Aron Nelson did a layout for the exact same thing years ago

Here is a vid of one crammed into a 1590BB with a Rebote Delay.  No guts, just demoing the LED blink rate changing with the Delay Time pot.

But I absolutely agree with you....FAAAAR to much effort to make an LED blink!  But having said that.....i ordered 4 of those ICs cos dammit if somethings worth doing (which it isn't) its worth overdoing (which its not)

I'll post back here with results.
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Re: Adding Delay Time Indicator LED to PT2399 Based Delay

hahaha. i couldn't stop laughing at that, especially since i just ordered them too. also, i don't see the link to the video.
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Re: Adding Delay Time Indicator LED to PT2399 Based Delay

Ciaran Haslett
Too much of the bottled grape tonight I think
Here's the vid I was supposed to link

And great job on the buffer layout!!!  Still amazes me how you can arrange the components with minimal/no links.  

Tackle that Indicator layout de buck!  Its a cert you get it done to 6x16 or something ridiculous like that