Alternative 3PDT led wiring

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Alternative 3PDT led wiring

I am using the way Ivlark shows for 3pdt wiring and I am pleased by it. Wiring the led by itself causes a lot of trouble as it is, so I thought maybe I would do it like this and make my life a tiny bit easier.

Instead of the old way (left) I tried the right image. At first I had some second thoughts about what would happen when the switch is in "down" (off) position but decided since it is ground and not hot it wouldn't cause any trouble. Made a timmy that way and it seems to be ok! Do you think it can cause troubles to other builds?
Just thought I should share
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Re: Alternative 3PDT led wiring

Andy Miller
looks like a tidy way to do it!
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Re: Alternative 3PDT led wiring

Silver Blues
Actually that looks like a good idea. Soldering in flywire CLRs for LEDs is a massive PITA.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Alternative 3PDT led wiring

Agreed. Looks like one of those "why the hell didn't I think of that?" ideas.

Nice one!
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Re: Alternative 3PDT led wiring

didn't even think about doing something like that. i'm so used to wiring my LEDs to my stomp switch by putting the resistor in between the 9V and anode, that i completely forget that it can be placed in between the cathode and ground. this really will make it easier and neater. nice job man.
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Re: Alternative 3PDT led wiring

In reply to this post by Zanius
D*A*M pedals (the more modern circuits with LEDs) have the CLR mounted on the switch like that.
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Re: Alternative 3PDT led wiring

The thing that won't appease our ocd is that the stantard carbon resistor won't fit between the lugs, ypu have to solder it by the side. Maybe a metal film one will fit. Anyway, glad you guys liked it, solder on!
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Re: Alternative 3PDT led wiring

I do it this way sometimes. An 1/8W resistor should fit between the lugs
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Re: Alternative 3PDT led wiring

Excellent! No more over-thinking about where to put the CLR on the + side!