Another useless transistor batch...

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Another useless transistor batch...

So I ordered a bunch of metal can 2n2222a transistors to tayda to fine tune my superfuzz, but all of them are in the 27-29 hfe range...
Is there something in the world I can built with this...?
Cheers, Gilberto.
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Re: Another useless transistor batch...


Yet another component to add to the "Buyer beware" list.

If it helps, these are very cheap from Greece - 7 Euros or 8 Dollars including shipping, for 100. I've used this seller before.

Also, keep an eye on our favourite Eastern European sellers for Motorola metal can versions.
I got a load of them about 6 months ago for a good price from bg-manue.
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Re: Another useless transistor batch...

Yeah, I better start thinking on ebay again for certain stuff...
Thanks for the link.
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Re: Another useless transistor batch...

I thought i'd check the ones I got this week from Tayda (a bag of 20).

16 measured 230-280 and 4 around 180.

Maybe you just got unlucky with a bad batch.

I would email Tayda, i'm sure they'll send you some more FOC.
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Re: Another useless transistor batch...

Yeah, I will do that, thanks
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Re: Another useless transistor batch...

In reply to this post by traktop
I just got ten a few weeks ago all mine measured 250-290 hfe. Are you sure your meter is good? I just got several bad batches off ali express of 2n5457 they all measured way below specs. 2 different suppliers 50 from each so now i hqave 30 bucks of worthless 2n5457 I had some that measure 1.8v and these all measure under .30v on my tester. totally bummed