BJFE HoneyBee - Layout 2

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BJFE HoneyBee - Layout 2

I'm using Layout 2 and everything seems to work fine except for the drive knob. When i start with the pot fully ccw, it is a nice clean boost, but turning the pot cw, even the smallest turn, results in what seems like the maximum gain almost instantly. with no in-between. I've checked everything and I cant find anything obvisously wrong. I've checked for solder bridges, loose wires, etc. Could it just be a bad potentiometer? Any thoughts?
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Re: BJFE HoneyBee - Layout 2

First guess: either the pot is too big or the wrong taper (should be 500k log), or the 1k at the left side of the layout is too small.

If it's not either of those things, post voltages and photos for more guesses.
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Re: BJFE HoneyBee - Layout 2

Ciaran Haslett
In reply to this post by OasisMcFly
Could be.  To test the pot with a meter

Remove from circuit and turn fully CCW
Set DMM to read ohms
Place probes on lugs 1 and 3.  Should read about 500K
Place probes on lugs 1 and 2.  Now slowly turn the pot CW and note the readings.  If you used the specified Log pot, the reading should rise slowly until about 75% of rotation, then much faster.

If it reads very high very early in the rotation then the pot may be wonky (or not a Log taper).

If no joy after this, post some hi res pics of the board (front and back) and voltages on the IC and fets.

Good luck
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Re: BJFE HoneyBee - Layout 2

Well, during testing your suggestions last night, the pot quit entirely. I'm making a Tayda order later this week, so I'll add in a replacement pot to the order. Thanks for the help.