Beavis Audio

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Re: Beavis Audio

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RE: Beavis Audio

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In reply to this post by Chris60601
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RE: Beavis Audio

... Next time on, General Stompboxing....

Will Paul and Rockett ever see eye to eye.
Will Rocket admit that Paul is his father? (I kid, I kid!!!)
And what of the Zvex Fuzz, is it really a fuzz or a Timmy in disguise
Will Mark ever return from his hiking on Mt.Everest?
Will Travis give up his dependencies on 9 volt batteries?
And Mirosol - did he really take that ride to Mars that NASA is offering.

These and many other unanswered questions on our next episode of....

General Stompboxing!!!

So what am I really saying? C'mon guys. Life's too short. It's not like you need to hug or anything
Watch me duck n run on that one!!!
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Beavis Audio

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In reply to this post by rocket88
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Re: Beavis Audio

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RE: Beavis Audio

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No Paul, not having a good time. Just trying to defuse the situation with a bad attempt at humor

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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RE: Beavis Audio

M. Spencer
Sorry to hijack this thread back to its original scheduled programming, but...

I tried the web archive link and it didn't work for me. I had a bunch of beavis articles linked that I haven't gotten around to building/playing with and I am not incredibly web savvy; did anyone have a link where I could download pdfs or jpegs of various beavis pages?
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RE: Beavis Audio

I haven't wanted to look back here, I don't feel any good after threads like this happen, but I did want to verify what you just said about the Wayback.

As far as I know Wayback is an independent organization (not for profit) that really tries to archive everything, but I assume one could ask them to take content down if it is copyrighted (even common law).

Anyway - I checked the link and it does still work, but it uses a frame - so maybe you need to unblock popups, or try a different browser.

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RE: Beavis Audio

In reply to this post by M. Spencer

Wow! This sure as hell got ugly fast.
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Re: Beavis Audio

In reply to this post by Chris60601
I have had my Google Chrome ad blocker on for the last three months or so, so when I was checking for the last week or more all I was seeing was a blank page.

Today I turned the ad blocker off for the first time and I see that the domain name is for sale, so that means Dano has really moved on and by all appearances does not care about it anymore.

Of course, if a person bought the domain name they would get only that, not the content that was created by Dano that comprised, so that is not the point here. I am just saying I didn't realize how dire this situation had become concerning the site - it appears to be gone for good now.

I am guessing some, maybe most of you already knew this. I did not know it until about 10 minutes ago. Too bad - but I just want to say thanks to Dano for all the work he put into that site. I was a big inspiration to a lot of us.
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RE: Beavis Audio

In reply to this post by Muadzin
it's worth remembering that that the 'edit post' function here stays open indefinitely. a useful luxury.

a little judicious bilateral back-editing of anything not beavis-related or of any conceivable general use to other forum members may help pull this thread back into line with the general positive spirit of the site.

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RE: Beavis Audio

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I will delete my posts - but that is also a two-way street. I am not here looking for trouble, but I do object to people calling me what I consider to be some of the most vile words in the English language.


While I am waiting for the other side, I just wanted to comment about this from the post up above:

i'm glad you're so business minded, as i've seen from your cruisemates crap. enjoy your millions, and your expensive gear. but i hate to break it to you, but your gear wont make you a better player, and your money doesn't and wont make you a good person or happy in life.

Very kind words, indeed. Anyway, as far as my playing goes here are two examples: solo at 2:00 solo at 2:45

PLUS: Original tunes where I composed, played, recorded and mixed everything you hear:
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Re: Beavis Audio

Justin davenport
In reply to this post by Chris60601
Super bummed about the website being down =[ I learned how to read schematics from his website and built my first few projects from his site.
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RE: Beavis Audio

In reply to this post by Chris60601
I thought it was pretty funny