Beavis Audio

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Beavis Audio

Just me or are others seeing an issue there
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Beavis Audio

No it's not just you. I hope it's temporary. I found it to be quite helpful.
Give a man a match and he'll be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: Beavis Audio

In reply to this post by Chris60601
site temporarily down from here in the uk.

really hope it comes back. i use that site all the time. a massive resource set out in a 'totally accessible to people who know nothing about electronics' format. would miss it if it went.
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Re: Beavis Audio

Wouldn't be the first time Beavis Audio went offline for a while. Luckily after the last time I made offline copies of each page just in case it would happen again.
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Re: Beavis Audio

I have several thumb drives and have been archiving layouts and schematics I find on the internet.  Unfortunately, the web is a fragile environment - here today, gone tomorrow.  
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Re: Beavis Audio

Frank_NH wrote
I have several thumb drives and have been archiving layouts and schematics I find on the internet.  Unfortunately, the web is a fragile environment - here today, gone tomorrow.  
Aye. Unlike books websites only last as long as their owner keeps on paying for them. Or until the webhosting service pulls the plug on it. Anyone who still remembers geocities? From time to time I still come across a link to a resource or website that used to be geocities.

This is why I download every layout that gets posted here. I'm sure that IvIark and Mirosol have no plans to pull the plug, but better to have it and never need it then be without when its gone.
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Re: Beavis Audio

Still down after four days or so - not a good sign, but I still hope he pulls through.
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Re: Beavis Audio

Yeah - been keeping an eye out for that. Want to grab what I can when its up and archive it.
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Beavis Audio

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Re: Beavis Audio

Wonder if this is now in the final stages of being removed.... The info page appears to be gone with a blank placeholder by the holder of the domain...


EDIT: Um no.... GoDaddy park page...
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Beavis Audio

In reply to this post by Chris60601
I have a great deal of the reference materials saved. If anyone is interested in attempting to compile the material, let me know and I will figure something out. I am going to see if Mark and/or Mirosol are legally able to include them here as well.
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Re: Beavis Audio

In reply to this post by Chris60601
Yeah... all I am getting is a blank page - what a shame - a great resource and you can host a website for under $100/year now easily.

Does anyone know how to get ahold of Beavis? I would gladly start a fund to keep it going. I know hw posts to other DIY spots.
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Re: Beavis Audio

motterpaul wrote
Does anyone know how to get a hold of Beavis? I would gladly start a fund to keep it going. I know hw posts to other DIY spots.
I emailed Dano probably 4 times, 2 or 3 this past week. In the email I offered to hep with the funds (if that happens to be the case).  I even offered to host the content knowing it wouldn't be updated but up for the masses that want to hit the information that's there.

As of now, I have not gotten a reply. And of course, GoDaddy won't talk to you unless you have information they request - even if all you want to do is help pay a bill.

So, here's my take on this. If finances are not the issue and if the last entries to the site were a few years ago, I wouldn't be surprised if Dano just isnt interested in allowing it to be up anymore.

So what I have done (well, tried) was to archive what I could off of the link you posted (Paul) using HTTrack. It does a good job but its pulling info from long ago. Not that that is a bad thing but what I wanted to do was simply capture the site as it was the last time it was public and just move it to my home server so I can just point to it whenever or even burn to a DVD.

I would like to think that Dano might (in the near future), do as AMZ has done. Snapshot the site on a DVD and offer it for sale. Hell - I purchased the media from AMZ just to have it in a situation just like this. I don't know if there would be a market for that, but it would put some scratch back into Dano's pocket.

Anyways - unless Dano does what needs to be done, your link will probably be the only way to access that and even that might go away sometime in the future I guess.
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Beavis Audio

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Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Beavis Audio

What do they expect and where do they get off? They have no problem with: 1) ripping off any innovative (to a certain extent) industry outsiders  (e.g., as ehx did to klon) and each other (e.g.,TS and most ODs); 2)cutting corners and filling their overpriced, low-quality rubbish with inferior components. They are hypocritical elitists who are angry they may have to lower their 10,000% profit margins if they expect anyone to justify actually buying their crap other than people who  actually iidolize, or even claim
 that the hack-douche from U2  (sorry, the one with the goatee)  is musically relevant and/or even talented.
Truthfully, i still buy pedals in some cases, but it is usually due to laziness and impulsiveness. Sometimes it makes sense economically, but usually not. I build mostly for me because i learned whAt changes to mAke to which components in order to find and use what i like best.
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Re: Beavis Audio

I really apologize - I thought I emailing someone directly and I had NO idea these posts would come up here. That was supposed to be a private conversation and i have deleted the posts.

I have never seen a forum where direct mail goes into the forum itself, and I am pretty shocked and surprised.

I hope you will do me a favor and take down what was posted by me and quoted in other posts above, it was really purely an accident.
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Re: Beavis Audio

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a couple of things:

1 - nearly every OD/Distortion/Fuzz pedal is some derivative of the Electra Distortion, the LBP-1, the big muff, tubescreamer, or MXR Distortion+/Ross Distortion. calling out a company like EHX for their klone is just ridiculous since they have been one of the last companies to make one, not to mention unlike many other klones they do not say this is the same as the klon since it is not, so i give them credit for that. not to mention if it wasn't for their many many many many designs that have been designed by them and copied without ever going after anyone speaks volumes to mike mathews and EHX as a whole. also, mike mathews has been involved in the DIY community and provided tons of info including law advice, so without a doubt EHX is one of the good ones.

2 - not all of the big companies cut corners just to make another couple of bucks and increase their profit margins. case in point: both wampler and EHX pedals are put together by hand in the US with US workers. not cheap at all. in this day and age everyone wants something for nothing, and as a result companies are forced to cut corners just to make a profit. there are no effect companies that i know of that make a massive amount of money on their effects. it's not like beats with their headphones, which cost $7 to build in china and sell for a couple hundred, or $14 for the wireless ones. your prospective on business is rather overly negative and warped.

3 - paul, the reason your post ended up in the thread is because you didn't send an email, the servers don't do that, so you only have yourself to blame. i'm going to just point out that what you meant to "send in an email" is part of the reason while you are not looked at favorably here, you always have an angle. you first came here, made a comment about making money from the site and how it doesn't work right, and now you're talking about trying to buy someone elses work to make money from it. you initially said how helpful Beavis Audio was for you especially since it was free, then behind close doors so to speak, you want to capitalize on Dano's work.

you're not here to learn or help, or be part of  the community, which doesn't cost anyone anything, you have ulterior motives for being here. while i have my issues with you, and i have made it clear that due to my issues i refuse to deal with you, but that message really showed your true colors.
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RE: Beavis Audio

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When I first started this thread, it was intended to be informational. In a way, I feel that this is my fault (rightfully or not) I apologize for that.

This wasn't how I envisioned this.

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Beavis Audio

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