Benrod - Gold Bender tracing...

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Benrod - Gold Bender tracing...

I tried to trace that really nice sounding od/Fuzz, I own. Since I'd like to mod it by adding a lpb-1 in front.

Here's the schematic I came to (hope it's clear engouh, it's the thirst I drew ^^... )

If Someone can check If there's something weird to it or not...

I'll add some gut shots too as soon as I find where that damn camera is lying around!

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Re: Benrod - Gold Bender tracing...

here come the guts :

down line 9v and upper line ground

And what I guessed to be some 22nf cap, soldered with those two wire in the middle of the pcb
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Re: Benrod - Gold Bender tracing...

Neil mcNasty
In reply to this post by régis@fofo
I have not checked the schematic up against the pictures of the cuircuitboard, but by looking at the schematic, it looks like at least it's going to produce sound.
I do not see anything that looks wrong with it, with my limited knowledge.

Do you have a breadboard?
If so: chuck it in and see if it works.
It's quite small, so it should not take much time to build it on the board...
If not: Get one! It is absolutely the best tool you can have for experimenting, and it is great fun playing around with different transistors and various tweaks, like replacing resistors with trimpots and discovering new features and mods! It is without a doubt the fastest way to learn about circuits and which part does what...

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Re: Benrod - Gold Bender tracing...

Yes, I have a breadboard, and it will soon be used with that

though now I estimated better your layout drawing work all 'round that forum!
There's just a little change of topology between the pcb and the drawing but I found out that it was really hard to solve nonetheless...
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Re: Benrod - Gold Bender tracing...

Ciaran Haslett
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Updated and Verified by regis@fofo
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Re: Benrod - Gold Bender tracing...

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wow that was fast!

I'm breadboarding the thing just now...

works descently ok, every pot doing his job, but there may be an error in the schematic as it sound really harsh with much too highs.

So don't work too much on the vero! I'm gonna double check my breadboarding too!
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Re: Benrod - Gold Bender tracing...

guess what, schematic verified!

I had some breadboard issues with strange shorts appearing and then disapearing, so I used another board and it sound now almost identical to the original!

So I'm gonna take a look at your layout Ciaran now.

I'll create a thread In contributions too !
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Re: Benrod - Gold Bender tracing...

Ciaran Haslett

I noticed I missed a 1n cap.  I've edited my post above
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Re: Benrod - Gold Bender tracing...

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In reply to this post by régis@fofo
I if refer to my j201s, you mixed source and gate on all trannies. the way I draw it on my schematic may have trapped you, sorry

the source resistor to Q1 is 1K and not 1K5

You missed a 1n cap between the 3k resistor and the second 3n3 cap, it should be connected to Q3's gate...

otherwise, seems ok to me

edit : You were faster than me :)
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Re: Benrod - Gold Bender tracing...

Ciaran Haslett
How did I miss that?

I'll tweak a little and report back
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Re: Benrod - Gold Bender tracing...

Ciaran Haslett
In reply to this post by régis@fofo
I've updated the layout with the correct pinouts.  Still amazed I managed to miss that.  Not as pretty as the first but follows the schematic.
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Re: Benrod - Gold Bender tracing...

Ciaran Haslett
In reply to this post by régis@fofo
Also can you advise on the correct pot lug numbers?
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Re: Benrod - Gold Bender tracing...

Ok, I'll check that tonight!

Thanks mate!
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Re: Benrod - Gold Bender tracing...

Checked it and I couldn't spot anything wrong. I verified pot lug number too as you asked, so you can replace gold 1 by gold 2, and gold 2 by gold 3.

And you might add the mention volume 2 to output

I'll try to build it tomorrow!

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Re: Benrod - Gold Bender tracing...

And It's verified!

Thank you so much!

Just a precision, the board you draw is 15x12

Can post your final layout on the request page (I created a topic...) ?
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Re: Benrod - Gold Bender tracing...

Ciaran Haslett
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Re: Benrod - Gold Bender tracing...

Ciaran Haslett
In reply to this post by régis@fofo

Feel free to use wherever you like.  Cheers for the trace.