Best Guitar Compressor

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Best Guitar Compressor

Hi everyone,
So I wanted to build myself a good guitar compressor. Already have one circuit that I think fits well. But without any bias what are your favourite compressors ?

I will be using a large plastic case (got it for cheap) where you can fit 3 guitar effects inside. What other effects would you combine with the compressor?

I'm also thinking about maybe building 2 different compressors. I sometimes use my guitar effects for keyboards and synthesizers so maybe a guitar compressor and a more studio like compressor would be great all in one enclosure.
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Re: Best Guitar Compressor

My favorite is the keeley 4 knob compressor.  I also used geiri's blend knob for it.  It's found in the contributions section.  
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Re: Best Guitar Compressor

Silver Blues
I'm partial to the Really Cheap Compressor, it's super simple and starkly transparent which is nice, but the Keeley 4 is a nice unit as well.
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Re: Best Guitar Compressor

I modified an emma transmorgrifier for bass and love it. It actually has some gain to it so with some tuning it can actually give you a bit on they ampeg svt breakup. I've got some others on my list that I really want to do that are supposed to be great on bass. The BJFE pale green is supposed to be super transparent, like you don't realize it's on till it's off. The diamond compressor is supposed to be great as well. Even though it's supposed to be just ok, I want to do the philosophers twin, which is the photosphere tone gold but with the OD switchable.
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Re: Best Guitar Compressor

I've yet to meet a compressor that works for me, as I find that they kill my dynamics. On the other I find them incredibly hard to build as their effect is generally so subtle I can't tell if my build is working or not. With most other pedals you generally hear if the sound is good or if there is something still wrong. Not so with compressors. Maybe the really squishy ones, but the subtle ones......
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RE: Best Guitar Compressor

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For me there are 2.

Ross modified compressor
Rothwell lovesqueeze

Yet to be determined,

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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RE: Best Guitar Compressor

"I've yet to meet a compressor that works for me, as I find that they kill my dynamics."

That is precisely the purpose of a compressor, so If they kill your dynamics, they are working correctly.

I've said it before in other threads, so I'll say it again - I don't like "transparent" compressors - they just don't do it for me. I have never tried one that I like. I want my compressors to have some "heat" to them - even if that means adding some noise to my signal.

Therefore my favourites are the Janglebox, Ross and the Dynacomp.
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Re: Best Guitar Compressor

In reply to this post by Drey
Maybe the Diamond Compressor with a Korg SDD3000 frontende with a blend control. That would be a fun build. So far I liked the soundsamples from the diamond. Also liked the Keeley 4 Knob.
I'm using a lot of amp sims (digital in a DAW) so a combination of the Korg Preamp Stage and slight compression would improve my sound I think
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Re: Best Guitar Compressor

Silver Blues
The Diamond is a pretty clean compressor. Nice sounding though.
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Re: Best Guitar Compressor

In reply to this post by Drey
If you do ever end up building a keeley 4 knob, seriously look into geiri's additional blend knob.  I really liked the keeley 4 knob, I love the 5 knob version!