Best resistor value for super bright clear LEDs

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Best resistor value for super bright clear LEDs

What do you guys use for the super bright LEDs? The standard 2.2K didn't seem to limit enough-- my first couple builds look like a flashlight, but lately seems like I over corrected with a 6.8k... Just curious what you all use...
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Re: Best resistor value for super bright clear LEDs


I've found that not all superbrights are equal, especially coming from china. I therefore have a small breadboard contraption (I think I mentioned it someplace) that's there just for led brightness matching. Nothing fancy, just two led circuits side by side, with 100k pots. I then stick two leds in there and tweak the pots until the brightness is equal. Same if I only have one led, just tweak the pot until desired brightness is obtained. Then I read the pot value and Robert's your mother's brother as they say.

I've ended up using anything from 5k up to 60k-ish if I recall correctly...
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Re: Best resistor value for super bright clear LEDs

GoranP wrote
...and Robert's your mother's brother as they say.
Ha! took me a sec to decode that. Thanks uncle...

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Re: Best resistor value for super bright clear LEDs

In reply to this post by GoranP
I usually use 4k7 with ultra bright 3mm white LED, but might consider increasing the value up to 10k, it's still a bit too bright
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Re: Best resistor value for super bright clear LEDs

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In reply to this post by toddvirgil
It depends on tastes, i like bllinding leds so use anything between 470r and 1k. As previously stated, there are great diferences between different ultra bright leds and colours  (from 3000 mcd of the tellow ones to the 21.000mcd of the blues), so if you like not very bight leds, the 20kb pot is a great solution to check which would be the more approipate value for your tastes..

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Re: Best resistor value for super bright clear LEDs

In reply to this post by toddvirgil
I use 4k7
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Re: Best resistor value for super bright clear LEDs

In reply to this post by JaviCAP
I'm with Javi on this one. For me, it's not lit up if I'm not getting a retina burn. 820R is what I often use.
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Re: Best resistor value for super bright clear LEDs

In reply to this post by toddvirgil
I love blinding LEDs too, but I feel it may be a bit much if it illuminates the entire room when I turn the lights off. I usually use a 1K, but I've been thinking of going lower...