Best simple Marshall in a pedal

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Best simple Marshall in a pedal

Hi, since I just cant get my Wampler Pinnacle build to work I am fed up with those complicated JFET stuff. I looked for some of the more simple designs for a Marshall in a box. Which one dou you recommend? I am searching for some Green Day Crunch like on Dookie and lead stuff like Slash.

It should really be simple stuff like the Lovepedal Purple Plexi.
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Re: Best simple Marshall in a pedal

hello, Im a total noob and I just built the rockett pedals animal. 2nd build ever and it fired right up the first time (havent boxed it up yet tho). It sounds fantastic and more superlead or plexi than jcm. And I reeeaaally hunted thru the "plexi" pedals for awhile to find one that looked easiest. it was between that one and the purple plexi 800 (which i might still build since Im thinkin it will have more gain). But Im currently workin on the box of rock now. Guess the marshall-esque pedals are my thing rite now. Anyways, the rockett animal was the easiest one I could find, check it out. :)
Doom or Die
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Re: Best simple Marshall in a pedal

Ok, thank you. I will check it out.
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Re: Best simple Marshall in a pedal

Crunch Box V2 by MI Audio.  Pretty straightforward build and sounds excellent.  Plenty of gain for you on that one. I punch that into my Egnater Tweaker 15 and I can leave my Marshall JCM2000 at the house and my back loves me for it.  
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Re: Best simple Marshall in a pedal

Ok, thanks.
The pedals I found so far are:
Lovepedal Purple Plexi
Crunch Box
Nick Greer Sucker Punch
Rockett Animal
Briggs E11even
Lovepedal Amp Eleven
Barber Direct Drive
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Re: Best simple Marshall in a pedal

In reply to this post by TheMajor
For me, the best one with no doubt is the Carl Martin Plexitone. The circuit board is quite easy, but the wiring  is a pain in the ass because you have to wire three stompswitches, five pots and three leds, but the result is superb.

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Re: Best simple Marshall in a pedal

In reply to this post by TheMajor

King of Britains? Not a very simple pedal, though...
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Re: Best simple Marshall in a pedal

In reply to this post by TheMajor
Lovepedal COT 50 might be worth a look too. Very simple and a nice tone to it.
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Re: Best simple Marshall in a pedal

In reply to this post by TheMajor
Greer sucker punch. I don't usually like Marshall style pedals because many are too mid boosted for me, the sucker punch is superb though, I don't remember it being too difficult either.
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Re: Best simple Marshall in a pedal

In reply to this post by TheMajor
I've built these, all kinda marshall sounding
Wampler Plexi Drive
Zvex Box of Rock
Catalinbread DLS (not mk3)
HAO Rustdriver
MI Audio Crunchbox v.2

For me the Wampler PlexiDrive sounds the best. But it was a pain in the ass to try out those JFETS until I found the right ones (went through about 40).

The HAO rustdriver has a really nice vintage Marshall tone, but is not very versatile stock. I modded mine with a gainpot and a tonecontrol.

The Catalinbread DLS is very nice. It sounds very similar to the Box of Rock, but the DLS is thinner sounding and Box of rock a bit fatter with alittle bit more gain on tap. Generally I think that DLS for humbuckers and Box of Rock if using singlecoils.

The Crunchbox sounds awesome, but it's more of a modern hi gain marshall sound. If that's what you're looking for don't hesitate to build it!

I have yet to build the Carl Martin Plexitone and the Runoffgroove Thor (I love the ROG stuff!).

Cheers/ Fredrik
check out my building blog at
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Re: Best simple Marshall in a pedal

Ok, thanks for all your answers, I will build the Crunch box and the Sucker Punch. Will those fit in B-enclosures with a 9V battery ?
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Re: Best simple Marshall in a pedal

The battery makes it a bit harder but both should fit into a 1590B. I haven't built either of these pedals but I've built some comparable size boards with the same number of pots.
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Re: Best simple Marshall in a pedal

Silver Blues
No one's mentioned the Jetter Gain Stage Black yet. Thought I'd throw that one in too.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Best simple Marshall in a pedal

I'll add the Guv'nor in there. I built one last week, put the diodes on an on/off/on dpdt with 1n4001s on the other side and it's a very cool pedal. Very cruncy.
Doesn't appear as fancy as the boutique stuff discussed here but it is a worthwhile build IMHO.