Black Arts Quantum Mystic

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Black Arts Quantum Mystic

in case it gets missed and i noticed vince didn't post it here. vince posted a link on the main page for a schematic he made from a Quantum Mystic he owned and pulled apart. i'm going to work on making a layout for it, but i know that there has been a lot of people that want to make this, so i figured that i would post it under the requests so that if someone else has more time and wants to tackle it they can and we can get a more accurate layout for this then the one that's posted on the main page.

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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

Hi, it's a great news! I never been happy with the last version, so maybe juste an updated version of the ancient layout will do the job I think.
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

In reply to this post by rocket88
How does this differ from the one mark did last year?

TL072s instead of one TL074 is about all I see
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

well, there has been some arguments as to if the trace originally used was correct, as many people can't seem to get it to sound right. vince actually bought one and traced each component. also, it seems that there are a bunch of values that are different compared to what mark had used, especially the pots.
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

Ok, understood!
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

you seem way too excited about that! lol

but i think marks layout can be altered to match the schematic vince got when he traced it. i believe that the TL074, is just 2 TL072's in one package. so it should be pretty each to adapt what we have. but it would be nice if we could get one together just like the original, that has the TL074.

btw, i trust vince's schematic cause he and i worked on making the schematic for the blacksheep.
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

I'd love to give this another go. The previous version wasn't a horrible pedal, but despite what I posted on the mail page (Jim Squires) it wasn't right. I thought it sounded close to the official Black Arts video that was embedded to the page but no where near like most other YouTube videos... now THAT was awesome.
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

I used the PCB layout John provided and altered the values of Mark's original layout and came up with this:

I just made it myself and besides a horrible squealing with the gain dimed it sounds awesome. It's my first attempt at even recreating a layout, so yeah.

If anyone could help with the squealing, that'd be much appreciated.
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
hi mates

according to the schematic vince posted, the only difference i spoted in Mark's first layout and in this one by squirrels is a missing cut. after bass1 there is a 11k/5,6k that goes straight to vol3 and nowhere else. in those 2 layouts, it also connects to ic2 pin7.

in john kallas's pcb layout this spot has been corrected. so if someone has the board ready, maybe he could just make that cut and see...

hope this one helped
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

So there should be a cut placed between the resistor and pin 7?

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On Apr 19, 2015, at 6:03 AM, ξεναγος νεκροπολης [via Guitar FX Layouts] <[hidden email]> wrote:

hi mates

according to the schematic vince posted, the only difference i spoted in Mark's first layout and in this one by squirrels is a missing cut. after bass1 there is a 11k/5,6k that goes straight to vol3 and nowhere else. in those 2 layouts, it also connects to ic2 pin7.

in john kallas's pcb layout this spot has been corrected. so if someone has the board ready, maybe he could just make that cut and see...

hope this one helped

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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
there should be a cut at the hole between 5,6k and 3,6k , next to 39nf so that 5,6k will connect only to vol3.

hoping the schematic is ok, that would fix the problems (cause johnk verified his pcb layout witch has this connection as i described)
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

Thanks for the heads up, let me just get some coffee going and I'll give it a shot. Would this possibly causing my problem? I used the original layout in my first build and didn't have this problem... It also didn't have the output as. 


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On Apr 19, 2015, at 7:59 AM, ξεναγος νεκροπολης [via Guitar FX Layouts] <[hidden email]> wrote:

there should be a cut at the hole between 5,6k and 3,6k , next to 39nf so that 5,6k will connect only to vol3.

hoping the schematic is ok, that would fix the problems (cause johnk verified his pcb layout witch has this connection as i described)

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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

In reply to this post by ξεναγος νεκροπολης
Made the cut and the EQ stopped working.
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

In reply to this post by ξεναγος νεκροπολης
I checked my voltages

The top IC is:

1: 4.32v
2: 3.72v
3: 1.91v
4: 0
5: 3.99v
6: 3.74v
7: 4.31v
8: 7.99v

The bottom:

1: 4.4v
2: 4.39v
3: 4.37v
4: 0
5: 4v
6: 4.28v
7: 4.42v
8: 7.99v

The top isn't looking good, right?

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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
sorry to hear this man. i don't know then. i'm pretty sure that what i said matches with the schem. maybe there's something wrong in the schem or in your build. your voltages don't look too strange to me except from the 7,99v. can you bypass the 100Ω resistorto get closer voltage to 9v?but even that wouldn't restore the idea...
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

I put a jumper over the cut to fix it and removing the 100 ohm didn't change anything. I scrapped this board and tried out the new layout Vince made. Nothing yet, maybe it's worth just doing a TL074 vero layout since that's what it actually uses anyway.

I think I may build a black Ross Distortion tonight, that's what it's based off of anyway and I can fit it into a 1590A which is a plus for me.
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

Vince posted a corrected TL072 based layout on the main page. I built it and nothing. My voltages are way off.

The layout:

I'm not great with reading schematics but it looks pretty good to me. Based on my voltages, it's probably something on my end.

Top IC:
1: 1.38v
2: .96v
3: .91v
4: 0
5: 0
6: 4.11v
7: 8.13v
8: 8.79v

Lower IC
1: 8.03v
2: .13v
3: 0
4: 0
5: 8.02v
6: 8.03v
7: 8.03v
8: 8.72v

Any ideas where my mistake could be?
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
hi jim. your voltages look way off. clear your cuts and check all your links again. change your ics too if you've used the same from your previous board, cause you might have burned them.

but anyway, i don't know if vince is following this topic but a new corrected schematic could give us a hand.
for example in his new layout, the last 10uf before output is connected the other way from + to output, not from - , as in the schem.
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

Thanks for the help Savvas. There was one tiny bridge that screwed it all up. I also rotated the 10uf on the output.  It works... Except that the kids pot cuts out when maxed out. Any suggestions? I know I can probably add a small resistor in series to lug three but is here another reason why?
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic
