Black Arts Quantum Mystic

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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

It cuts out, like it's on 0.

Hey Rocket, I saw in another post you are in New Jersey... What part? I'm in Wanaque.
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

Nice. I'm down in fanwood, which is near Westfield and Scotch Plains. Glad to see someone else for jersey on here. We should meet up some time.

Hmmm, thinking about the mids pot. Do the mids slowly cut out as you turn it CW, or does it get boosted then suddenly go to 0 at full CW
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

That's not too far, maybe 30 or so minutes. I'm up by the NY border near Ringwood and West Milford.

The mids pot acts normally until it's completely clockwise then it sounds like it's on zero. I tried three other pots out, so it's not that. Otherwise, this thing is awesome.
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

Hmmm, that's really odd. I wonder why it's doing that.

Yea, I figured you're around that area. We'll have to figure something out.
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

In reply to this post by rocket88
I had the double link that goes from pin 1 on IC2 to volume 3 going to mids 2. After correcting that, the EQ began to work but now oscillation when everything is maxed out. I must have a damaged component since last time I had this problem was with the BAT Black Forest which I rebuilt and it's fine now. I'm about to give up on this one for good.
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

Definitely verified, but mine needed a buffer in front of it, as did my Talons build. I put the buffer in my QM and have that after the fuzz and before the OD part of my pedal board.

Here's a quick soundclip:

PRS SCT (Lace Hammerclaws)-->QM Clone--> Orange OR15 (modded to #4 spec)--> PPC112 cab--> iPhone Garageband... yeah, I don't have a good mic or anything.

The QM was set as:

Bass: 10
Treble: 4
Drive: 7

It definitely sounds better with the drive up. I thanked him on the main site but again, thanks Vince.
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

I built v.2.2.1 from the front page and got the squeals when I used passive pickups, or didn't  precede it with a buffered pedal.

I then built another on vero board, adapting JohnK's PCB layout (no squeal).
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

Hi. Sorry for the bump here and you're probably forgotten it all by now but would you be able to draw a layout for the vero you did from JohnK's PCB? I know it's a big ask so don't worry if not.

I just spent the day making the layout on the main page, then read the comments after thinking that it wasn't very loud. Lesson learnt - read the comments first.
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

This post was updated on .
I didn't build the one on the main page. I built one posted in the comments.  It's close, but not as cleaned up as the final one.  There are some things floating around that don't match up, so compare to the most recent schematic point by point.

I built both.   For the JohnK adaptation, I basically overlayed what he did on perfboard.  There was  some correction I had to make on the EQ, be sure to follow the most recent schem.   Most people reported squeal at max gain, but  it's just part of dealing this this kind of pedal and adding a buffer solved it.
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

A buffer helped a lot but I think there are better alternatives that have less issues. I much prefer the EQD Talons and DAM Sonic Titan to this.
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

Thanks for the info. I'll check them out for sure. Just that youtube demo looks badass for the QM.
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

In reply to this post by Sphere80
I hadn't considered perfboard. If I don't try the sonic titan or talons as Squirrels suggested then this might be my first perfboard. Thanks for the links.
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

There is a veto layout on this site. I also would use the LM386-N4. It will improve the note decay issues.
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Re: Black Arts Quantum Mystic

Hi Guys

I just built this layout, TWICE to be sure, and I have issues with it.
All I get is a little bypass, no treble, no mids, low volume and no gain (no pain, you know...)

Here are my voltages (and voltages vince69 mentionned here) :

1 4.55v (4.54v)
2 4.28v (4.20v)
3 1.84v (1.81v)
4 0v (0v)
5 3.20v (3.02v)
6 4.30v (4.20v)
7 4.57v (4.52v)
8 9.10v (8.99v)

1 4.55v (4.53v)
2 4.90v (5.99v)
3 3.20v (3.02v)
4 0v (0v)
5 3.10v (3.0v)
6 4.57v (4.55v)
7 4.57v (4.54v)
8 9.10v (8.99v)

Anyone here who can tell me what I can check to find my mistakes ?
