Black Arts Toneworks Pharaoh Supreme

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Black Arts Toneworks Pharaoh Supreme

I post on the request section but I think everybody can determine the upgrade for this one.

Official Description:
The Supreme has all of the sounds and abilities of the Standard and Primitive Pharaohs, but with some very useful additions and a bit of a twist.
In place of the hi/lo switch,the Supreme utilizes a variable pre input control to infinitely adjust the saturation of the front end of the circuit from 1 to 10. In Place of the 3 way diode selector, the Supreme utilizes a 6 way rotary switch to select from the Standard Pharaoh diode settings, plus an additional 3 setting not available on the previous Pharaohs. The Pharaoh supreme allows selection from the following diode settings: Germanium, Asymmetrical Germanium(standard Pharaoh), Silicon (standard Pharaoh), Mosfet,LED and Bypass (standard Pharaoh).

So for the pre pot, we need to swap the Lo/Hi Switch for a 500K pot I think or something else.
For the clip control, use rotary switch 2 poles, swap the clipping switch on the original pedal and put the diodes on the description below. Just the mosfet is undifined.

Is someone have guts to confirm ;)
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Re: Black Arts Toneworks Pharaoh Supreme

I made a modified pharoh, that I think would be fairly similar to this. I didn't realize that he came out with one. Check this here.
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Re: Black Arts Toneworks Pharaoh Supreme

ahahah it seems that you completely made the same than the new one... Really strange!
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Re: Black Arts Toneworks Pharaoh Supreme

Hey. I mean I love my pharoah so much, I want just thinking how can I make it better and more versatile. And the more I've gotten into building pedals, and getting parts, I just start to look at tweaking things for myself. I've been so mystified by diodes, and what they can do, and how different they sound, so that started the modifying on this one, and being a bass player I've been playing a lot with input and output caps, so it just sorta happened. I mean when you really think about it anyway, almost every effect is a slightly modified version of something else, and people have had very similar if not identical ideas (fuzzface & tonebender).
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Re: Black Arts Toneworks Pharaoh Supreme

In reply to this post by zerosadness
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Re: Black Arts Toneworks Pharaoh Supreme

I've new informations:

Red caps are actually 474
103 and 223 for the other ones
(caps are the same than the standard version)

A100K on the volume pot
A100K on the fuzz pot
B500K on the pre pot

Seems the Tone pot it's A100K too (4C4 written on top), just need the value of high, but certainly B25K.

Q5: BC20 2N 7000
Q6: BD48 2N 7000

So we've just to check the resistors values and it's good!
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Re: Black Arts Toneworks Pharaoh Supreme

I was just about building the old pharaoh with a "pre" 500k pot and 3 on-off-on switches so I could get more clipping options. Is the supreme much different than this...¿