I post on the request section but I think everybody can determine the upgrade for this one.
Official Description:
The Supreme has all of the sounds and abilities of the Standard and Primitive Pharaohs, but with some very useful additions and a bit of a twist.
In place of the hi/lo switch,the Supreme utilizes a variable pre input control to infinitely adjust the saturation of the front end of the circuit from 1 to 10. In Place of the 3 way diode selector, the Supreme utilizes a 6 way rotary switch to select from the Standard Pharaoh diode settings, plus an additional 3 setting not available on the previous Pharaohs. The Pharaoh supreme allows selection from the following diode settings: Germanium, Asymmetrical Germanium(standard Pharaoh), Silicon (standard Pharaoh), Mosfet,LED and Bypass (standard Pharaoh).
So for the pre pot, we need to swap the Lo/Hi Switch for a 500K pot I think or something else.
For the clip control, use rotary switch 2 poles, swap the clipping switch on the original pedal and put the diodes on the description below. Just the mosfet is undifined.
Is someone have guts to confirm ;)