Blue Warbler - Jon Patton

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Blue Warbler - Jon Patton

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This seem like a really useful and cool effect that Jon even managed to fit into a 1590A, so it seems like a small enough circuit.

After a search I can only find a perfboard layout for this effect.  Here are a few links to the Schematic.

There is a demo on his web site a little ways down.  Plus a link to a Schematic that is color coded.  I also found another regular schematic here:

Check Reply #20524

This is his web site with the other info:
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Re: Blue Warbler - Jon Patton

Would this be possible to do? or should I try to do it with the perf layout?
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Re: Blue Warbler - Jon Patton

On the list, but it's fairly complicated and i've not yet been able to force myself to tackle it.. If you're in a rush, then try the perf, but i believe this is coming at some point...
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Re: Blue Warbler - Jon Patton

No rush, Thanks for giving it a go.  Now I have something to look forward to.

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Re: Blue Warbler - Jon Patton

Gotta bump this up.  There's a newer version available here:

(link from )
Q: Why is a drummer like a scud missile?
A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.
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Re: Blue Warbler - Jon Patton

I'm a pedal masochist, so yeah, bumping this one.  

Let's see...

Cardinal Tremolo... FAIL (x3)
Catalinbread Pareidolia... FAIL (x2)
Baja Vibrotrem... FAIL
Frantone Vibutron... FAIL

So if anyone wants to give me a virtual kick in the nuts, a layout for this would surely provide that.

I am the Charlie Brown of pedal building.
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Re: Blue Warbler - Jon Patton

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Re: Blue Warbler - Jon Patton

I know how ya feel Heath,what i do is put the circuits that didn't work in a box to save for later.I just came back to the Manx-Loagthan, I built this a month or two ago and it failed.I retraced all my steps and found i had a couple bad PN2222a's.I always seem to think things through better after i take a good long break from them,then come back to it again.
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Re: Blue Warbler - Jon Patton

I ahev two manx's that didn't work. I'm planning on trying to see what happened and do what I can to get them to work. One of 3 fails I couldn't fix. Still annoys the crap out of me.
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Re: Blue Warbler - Jon Patton

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Re: Blue Warbler - Jon Patton
