Boss OD-1 Volume Problem

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Boss OD-1 Volume Problem

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I just built 2 OD-1s and they both are having the same volume issues.  With gain set to 12:00, I don't hit unity volume until about 2:30.  Beyond 2:30 there is plenty of volume, it's just that I have to turn the volume up just to match my clean volume.  The gain seems to working fine with plenty of saturation when dime'd and clean, crunch when the gain is lowered.

I've reflowed the solder twice and have cut the gaps twice.  The only thing different was that I couldn't find 18nF cap and had to use 15nF cap (near the upper right corner of the board).  Any help would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!

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Re: Boss OD-1 Volume Problem

I don't really understand what the problem is, as long as it has enough volume to get match unity then I can't see what more you would want?
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Re: Boss OD-1 Volume Problem

I would prefer unity gain to be at 12:00 and not 2:30. Is there a way I can fix this?
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Re: Boss OD-1 Volume Problem

You're only going to get the boost out of it that the original circuit can provide when based on its unmodded schematic, but if you want a bit more of a boost then increase the far right hand 10K resistor between the 18n cap and the link.
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Re: Boss OD-1 Volume Problem

In reply to this post by Ncuab
The volume sounds normal to me. I've built a couple with the same sort of volume you explain. Pretty much the same level of volume as Tubescreamer...
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Re: Boss OD-1 Volume Problem

In reply to this post by IvIark
Thanks!  Is it the Boss input and output buffers that add that much of a volume boost?  If so, wow!

I changed the resistor to 47K but it got too muddy but the volume was much better.  Eventually, I landed on 55.2K and a 3.3nF cap.  That was as close as I would be able to get to the stock frequency with a unity volume at noon'ish.  Thanks everyone!
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Re: Boss OD-1 Volume Problem

I see that the layout uses a 10K log pot. Maybe you should try a 10K linear pot instead? I used to have the same problem with my Muffs until I switched to all linear pots, like EHX seemed to be doing according to the Kitrae schematics and suddenly I had unity gain at 11:00 instead of 14:00 or 15:00.
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Re: Boss OD-1 Volume Problem

Yeah, I never thought about trying linear pots.  In theory it makes sense, I'll give it a try next time.  Thanks!