Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

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Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

This thing sounds awesome. Like vibrato, tremolo, and phaser all in one! A layout would be fantastic.

"Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo. This is an optical version of the harmonic tremolo effect found on certain Fender amps 1960-1964. It’s an unusual, and beautiful, combination of mild phasing and amplitude modulation. This build has a waveform control and a switch to go between harmonic and normal tremolo modes, and a “bright” mode in the middle that sounds more like a vibe. My schematic is HERE. A perfboard layout for the IC-based LFO version is HERE. And a perfboard layout for the 1590A build using a phase shift oscillator is HERE. 1776 Effects has released a fantastic PCB for this design, which you can get here."


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Re: Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

A big +1 on this.  Sounds awesome!
Q: Why is a drummer like a scud missile?
A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.
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Re: Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

In reply to this post by Kinski
Whoa, big time BUMP for this one.

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Re: Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

+1! I'd really like to see this
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Re: Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

In reply to this post by Kinski
OK, I'll do this one
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Re: Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

Q: Why is a drummer like a scud missile?
A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.
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Re: Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

In reply to this post by IvIark
Right on... this is probably the most excited I've been about a layout appearing on your site.  I've tried twice to build this particular pedal without success and I REALLY want to get one working.  

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Re: Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

In reply to this post by IvIark
I had to go back and watch the video for this again.  MAN, this thing sounds so good!
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Re: Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

I just tried to build this on perfboard... "FAIL" would be a phenomenal understatement...  This pedal has become my White Whale.
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Re: Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

In reply to this post by Kinski
this pedal kinda reminds me of the Catalinbread Pareidolia Harmonic Mesmerizer.
I built a Pareidolia and it sounds awesome.
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Re: Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

Crap... I built a Pareidolia from one of Sabro's layouts and never got it quite working right.  Ever had a bad run of builds?  Heh.

I might try building it again.  I'm a Tremolo and Vibe junkie.  I love em.
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Re: Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

the Pareidolia is an awesome sounding pedal. you should try to fix it. if you do, you'll love it.
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Re: Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

Hallo John, I've built the Pareidolia, while waiting for the Cardinal vero , but I'm getting no sound out of it, (by the moment) so I'd like to know if there's something to be done first with the trannies in this one, Should I match 2n5484 or 2n5457? Also, I wired VOL in mine not as Sabro layout, I did the  Vol3 being conected to vero, Vol1 to ground and Vol2 conecting to the switch.  Thanks  a lot, by the way, Fetzog was stronger than me, I couldn't manage to make it work.
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Re: Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

This post was updated on .
I didn't match any of my transistors on Harald's layout and it fired up & worked perfect the first time. I think you must have an error somewhere in your build.

as far as the fetzog goes, I never built it, but who knows if that schematic is even correct in the first place? IMO, the vero matches the schematic, but if the schematic is flawed, the build will be too.
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Re: Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

I think I might be cursed.

Now, don't get me wrong, I've built a ton of pedals... way too many pedals... pedals everywhere...

...but anyway, I believe I've got a decent handle on the building process, so when a circuit continues to eff with me, again and again, well, you then have the Pareidolia.  Hmm.. Come to think of it, the last circuit that gave me this much trouble was the Galileo... damn you, Catalinbread.

The first time I built the Para-D it just sounded like a very thin trebly harsh tremolo. nothing nice about it.  I knew that wasn't right because I've watched the demos and I've read the feed back from you folks and the guys at Sabros page.  

I was inspired by this thread to try it again.  This time... now it seems I've got he exact opposite problem...  It's incredibly bassy.  Like it's bubbling out of a thick soup.  Like someone turned a TONE knob all the way down and kept going a bit.  Like the musical farts from Satan's ass.

It kind of sounds like I have 1/2 of a good effect, which is weird because that's what I got last time, except the other half, if that makes any sense.

What bugs the shit out of me is that I built it VERY carefully this time, testing all of my components, etc.  I did use 2n5485s instead of 2n5484s because I happened to have 2n5485s on hand.  It's not supposed to make a difference but I'm thinking of getting and handful of 2n5484s just to make sure I'm not sabotaging myself.  As luck would have it, they're in the "Fuck you, you're going to have to order them from China and pay 20x what they should cost" category... not that $0.75 - $2.00 each is going to break me, but it does annoy me on principle + waiting a month to get back to trouble shooting this circuit.

Bah... it's almost 2am.  I'll go over the tracks and cuts again when I've had some sleep.  Fucking pedals...

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Re: Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

In reply to this post by johnk
Hi John, you were right, I had a bad solder, it started working then, I like the sound, but I had a strange motorboating that was increasing as speed pot was speeding up, I tried this at 12 volts and almost dissapeared, maybe it has something to do with the 9/ 18 v option... I ll wire the volume the way it is on the original layout and if that brings me back a little more volume, I'll keep it like that.

I want to keep testing different tremolos, so I am aiming at your layout of ROG Trivibe or maybe Bajaman Vibro-Trem, both of them have same size, doable in tayda's vero! so I'd like to have your opinion on these, if you have tried Baja's too. And by the way, thanks a lot for the TriVibe's layout!
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Re: Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

I haven't built Baja's so I can't compare them, but I can say that the ROG is an excellen one.
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Re: Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

Ok! Hope soon I'll be able to tell my impressions, first Tri-vibe, then Baja take on harmonic trem fx, Thank you!
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Re: Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

Neil mcNasty
In reply to this post by Kinski
So... Is anyone on the case regarding a layout for this one?
I see a lot of requests these days that get done pretty fast, but this one is still missing/wanted.
My gut tells me that this one might have been forgotten in the haze of requests and questions from all of us that uses this site.
With the ammount of questions and requests that you guys get on this site, I am amazed that you can manage to do/respond as much as you do.
You guys are absolutly amazing and are extremely generous.
I feel really bad writing this, since I know you allready are drowning in requests and questions, but I really want to build this one and real soon (I hope).

I gave it a go and started a vero, but I'm strugeling with the layout, specially the vactrol placement...
I guess this kind of design/schematic is a bit too intrecate for a newbie like me.
I hope someone else could give it a go and see if they can get a functional vero for this one...
I will try to see if I can get my head around it, but I can not garantee anything.
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Re: Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo!

I'm going to go ahead and just *bump* this one... just a little...