Clean Octave

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Clean Octave

It'd be awesome to see any clean octave pedal. BYOC has the octave divider and I'm pretty sure you can get some clean sounds from there. I'm just tired of fuzz octave I guess
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Re: Clean Octave

Have you tried the Green Ringer? It's not 100% clean, there is a tiny bit of grit to it but it's great from throwing in front of other pedals.
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Re: Clean Octave

In reply to this post by jacobbundren
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Re: Clean Octave

In reply to this post by jacobbundren
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Re: Clean Octave

In reply to this post by jacobbundren

Another intense sabrotone layout - 70 some cuts, but it looks like a pretty versatile octaver...
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Re: Clean Octave

In reply to this post by Vince
I haven't tried the green ringer! Maybe I'll give it a shot