Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

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Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?


Nothing too elaborate but it's better than the dining table
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Re: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

Silver Blues
Yeah I've got some furniture incoming, I might snap a pic when I get it all set up. Anything is better than the dinner table...
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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RE: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

Ppfftt!! 👀
What's wrong with the dinning room table ⁉ I dislike y'all

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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RE: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

I didn't mind the table personally,but the wife got sick of picking resistors out of her food so she kicked me out.
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Re: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

In reply to this post by bogey
hhahahaha that looks so familar.
solder iron, check
parts bins, check
toaster oven, check.
frowning wife, optional
now you just need a bunch of packages from Bulgaria, Ukraine and China laying around.

looks good. congrats.

that's not a huge tv on the wall is it?

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Re: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

Looks good, and nothing wrong with it at all. I finally got to build my one workspace, everyone had probably seen it, but since you asked for others to post theirs here's mine.

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Re: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

In reply to this post by bogey
My set up is based on mobility. I set up wherever I can (home or elsewhere)
In addition to the case I keep a laptop bag that totes the computer as well asy pots and off board hardware.

Give a man a match and he'll be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?


I have since upgraded the soldering iron to a digital soldering station.
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Re: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

In reply to this post by bogey

Almost finished redoing my office to support my workshop as well.  Prior to that it was kitchen table and a mobile set of tool boxes.  Just finished getting most of the shelving up.  Might put another cubby on the left like I have on the right of the upright shelving.  

Total for all the shelving was about $100-120 from Ikea plus wall anchors and a few other odds and ends.  There's LED lights underneath the tall shelf right in front of the wire spindle.  

It's in my home office that I use for my job.  Yes, I tend to solder while on conference calls.

Also:  holy hell muadzin... my wife or my OCD would murder me if that was my work space.  
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Re: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

Ed Nice
In reply to this post by bogey
Right, I have no idea why two of you have ovens but I want one now. :(

The only thing worse than 'All the gear, no idea' is 'None of the gear, no idea'... :)
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Re: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

Silver Blues
I think it's for quickly drying paint. I should get myself one, waiting for paint on enclosures to dry sucks (and increases the chance for dust to cling to your coat, which is infuriating).
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

That's what mine is for. When I paint my enclosure I bake the paint. It not only dries faster, but harder and ends up more durable. So instead of taking a few days to do an enclosure I can etch it, do the base coat, sand away to show the etching, the clear it in a few hours. It's definitely the way to go.
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Re: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

Wait, wtf?  I can use a toaster oven to speed up paint and clearcoat????

Also, what tools/supplies do I need to etch?  Lately, I've just been stamping bare aluminum enclosures with various colors of StazOn... looks gangsta.
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Re: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

I love my $5 Salvation Army toaster oven! Speeds up the painting process so much.
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Re: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

In reply to this post by negativefx
Haha. I know, right? It was a godsend when I found that out. Just get a cheap ass toaster oven, don't use the same one for food, I think mine was $15 at Walmart new, use something to hold the enclosure off the tray, I use hinges and paint off the tray. The only thing you need really is and iron, laser printer, I use Ferric Chloride to etch, and two plastic containers.

If you want man I can make a tutorial on etching. Well on the whole process I do from start to finish, painting and all. I can do it next week when I get back from the festival I'm going to this weekend.
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Re: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?


would love to see some of your etched boxes. And if you have time to put together a tutorial that would be awesome. You Da Man!!!!

I'm still struggling on making my finished boxes look good as I'd like.

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Re: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

In reply to this post by rocket88
I'd love a tutorial on etching
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RE: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

This post was updated on .
I would like to see an etching of a tutorial 😜
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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RE: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

No problem. I'll do one when I get back from Cali next week. I've got a few designs that are ready to go on an enclosure.

Btw, iggy I got some that are posted in the pedal show off thread.
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RE: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

I'll go take a look. Thanks