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Colorsound Overdriver - gobsmacked.

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Colorsound Overdriver - gobsmacked.

1284 posts
Just helped my son put one of these together. I can't believe I've never got round to this one sooner.

What a F@%KING incredible pedal. I know we all have different requirements and preferences, but this one has to be Holy Grail material.

Need to build another for myself now, but seriously, do yourself a favour and build one - sooner rather than later.
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Re: Colorsound Overdriver - gobsmacked.

189 posts
What Transistors did you use?
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Re: Colorsound Overdriver - gobsmacked.

3037 posts
In reply to this post by Beaker
have to agree. i built the throbak version, one of my early builds years ago and fucking love it. the added boost and germanium clipping is a nice addition, which is why i went for that one rather then the original.
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Re: Colorsound Overdriver - gobsmacked.

1284 posts
In reply to this post by kirshman
Kirshman I tried everything I had available, but used a 104NU71 in Q1, and BC108 in Q2 and Q3 (left to right on image). Maybe not everyones choice of transistors, but I voiced it for sparkle, clarity and grit up to around 3 o'clock, rather than focusing my attention on the last 10% (4 - 5 o'clock) of the drive pot rotation - the boosted fuzz zone.

There is a real sweet spot with the drive pot set around 2 o'clock. Turn the volume up louder than unity gain and it really sings.

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Re: Colorsound Overdriver - gobsmacked.

3037 posts
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Re: Colorsound Overdriver - gobsmacked.

1284 posts
Yeah, I was a little suprised with this one.

You kind of have two choices here, voice for the boost sound (the last 10% of the drive pot), or voice for the rest of the turn.

Voicing for the boost was pretty easy, 2N3904, 2N5088 got a great fuzz tone, but the "clean" sound was less than inspiring - a bit flat and boring.

Getting a good clean sound was also pretty easy - 2N2222 were fine, but the fuzz boost gets splatty and gated.

Going with the BC108 got a great compromise, but substituting Q1 with the 104NU71 gives a subtle but noticeable improvement in clarity and sparkle, which it retains right through the volume range.

I've got lots of pedals for the Wall Of Fuzz sound, so I concentrated on the clean sound on this one. It's an absolute killer for all those "Nuggets" 60's garage punk rythmn guitar tones, and cleans up a muddy amp a treat.

The other thing that suprised me was how well it stacks after an overdrive or Tubescreamer - puts back all the clarity and definition the tube screamer removes.

And of course it's mind blowing with a Big Muff or Superfuzz.
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Re: Colorsound Overdriver - gobsmacked.

189 posts
How important was hfe?  Did you match 2 and 3?  Just trying to get some guidance before diving in. Thanks!
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Re: Colorsound Overdriver - gobsmacked.

3037 posts
well as you know by now beaker, you and i have very similar tastes, so i'm going to have to do this now. just keep making my build list bigger and bigger why don't you.
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Re: Colorsound Overdriver - gobsmacked.

1284 posts
In reply to this post by kirshman
Not really Kirshman - I just stuck a few in there and used my ears rather than a meter.

It's one of those pedals where you can instantly tell if a transistor is not a good match - it sounds awful, and to be honest I have no idea what the accepted "best" gain figures are for this pedal either.

Like I said earlier though, I think your choice will depend on whether you value the clean sound more than the fuzz sound or vice versa. Your transistor choice and gain figures will probably be quite different as a result.

I can easily imagine half a dozen builders suggesting half a dozen different type/gain cominations as "best" in their opinion.

Just start with some 2N2222, 2N5088 or 2N3904 as a perfectly acceptable starting point and work from there.
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Re: Colorsound Overdriver - gobsmacked.

559 posts
Beaker wrote
Not really Kirshman - I just stuck a few in there and used my ears rather than a meter.

It's one of those pedals where you can instantly tell if a transistor is not a good match - it sounds awful, and to be honest I have no idea what the accepted "best" gain figures are for this pedal either.

Like I said earlier though, I think your choice will depend on whether you value the clean sound more than the fuzz sound or vice versa. Your transistor choice and gain figures will probably be quite different as a result.

I can easily imagine half a dozen builders suggesting half a dozen different type/gain cominations as "best" in their opinion.

Just start with some 2N2222, 2N5088 or 2N3904 as a perfectly acceptable starting point and work from there.

Built this on your recommendation with the same transistors.....what an awesome circuit, mega dig it.
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Re: Colorsound Overdriver - gobsmacked.

183 posts
I built the Black Arts Toneworks Black Forest off the main page recently and love it.  Are there big differences in sound?
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Re: Colorsound Overdriver - gobsmacked.

1284 posts
I've not built the Black Forest so don't know for sure, but it's basically the same circuit with more tone shaping from the cap selector knob, and "improved" gain control.

I'm sure that on some settings it will sound almost exactly the same.