Community Ideas/Improvements

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Community Ideas/Improvements

Ciaran Haslett
Hi all.  So obviously a lot has happened over the last day.  We've got new admins, new posts in the blog and an influx of some great ideas on where to take us.  In an effort to collate all these ideas in one place for discussion, I am proposing this thread.  Of course...if its not necessary then feel free to delete

If an Admin feels like an idea from here is worth more serious discussion maybe he can start a new one to discuss only that idea.  I think this is probably the easiest way to keep track of/keep relevant any ideas people may have.

Tabbycat has proposed some kind of separate FAQ section relating to the kinds of questions we get asked over and over.  Where do I put this ground wire?  How do I wire a switch for...? How to add a tone control?  etc.

He has also proposed a separate section dedicated to synths/noise makers

Chris60601 has proposed looking into/developing SMD layouts

Rocket88 has proposed an amps section (thread already started)

My proposal....flush/restructure the Requests section.  Any without schematics or where a contributor has posted a layout to the Contributions Section remove.  There are some great threads in there but also a lot of nothing.  

Prepare it for what may come.  I'm thinking sub threads in the Requests section like, Guitar Effects, Bass Effects, Amps, Synths etc...that kind of thing.  Maybe do the same with the Contributions section.  I admit though that this is a lot of mundane work simply for a bit of housekeeping.

Is there some way of identifying ourselves by country of origin/timezones?  It would give a better idea as to whether a discussion will flow fast or is spread over a number of days.  Especially in the blog section where someone may be helping a new builder but its crazy late here and they're left waiting/wondering where the help went.  If they knew the difference in timezones maybe that would ease the anxiety.

So add away lads.  Really excited to see where it all goes.
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Re: Community Ideas/Improvements

These are all great ideas.

I'd love to see, in addition to synths/noisemakers, things which relate to recording:
mic preamps, compressors, etc.

May thy solder floweth.....
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Re: Community Ideas/Improvements

In reply to this post by Ciaran Haslett
I would like to second the idea for subcategories like synth noise boxes, amps , mods etc.
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