Compressor recommends?

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Compressor recommends?

I just built the Rothwell Love Squeeze. The demo sounded great, but with my humbuckers it just sounds like another overdrive.

Any idea how I could reduce the clipping, but still have it work as a compressor? (I thought about an input trimpot - the volume is on the output and it does not reduce the clipping sound) As it is, the effect is much louder than a plain guitar. BTW: I have a les Paul with a DiMarzio Super Distortion.
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Re: Compressor recommends?

I'll have to check my build. Though I have not tried it with hummers, it's fantastic with my strat!
I'll check it with both a BC Rich I have (it has DiMarzio Super D's) and my V (stock hummers).
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Compressor recommends?

In reply to this post by motterpaul
Firstly, double check your build for any errors.

Secondly, try it with another guitar - preferably one with low power single coils, and see if that makes a difference. It might sound great with single coils.

It could be that it is working fine, but just can't handle the power of Super Distortions - that would not be unusual. If this is the case, you could try modifying the input section to suit your pickups, though that might make it sound like crap with single coils. Only one way to find out though - try it and see.

I'm a big fan of the Janglebox.
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Re: Compressor recommends?

I am sure it is the pickups. I was able to tame it by turning the guitar down, etc. But I would like a compressor that is always clean -clean. A simple Boss ($50 used) will just smash a guitar with no breakup at all.

Actually, I did notice I had left out a capacitor. It worked anyway, but the cap did tame it a lot, but I still get some breakup and when you are recording any crackle at all is not OK, when you are looking for a really clean guitar.

This Love Squeeze has a Jfet, but the gain seems to be in the TL072. If I had a TL062 I would try that since I think they are lower power. I did try a lot of different Jfets but the 2n5457 gives the cleanest sound.

Anyway, I am already starting in the Briggs Diamante - should be done soon, and it is optical.
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Re: Compressor recommends?

Silver Blues
I strongly recommend trying the Really Cheap Compressor as well, extremely simple yet tremendously effective.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Compressor recommends?

Thanks, Silver. I will try it. I just thought the demo for the Rothwell sounded great.

By the way - we have the Rothwell Switchblade (overdrive) here but in their demo they have a pedal called (I think) Hellbender (an overdrive) which sounds really great, especially with their compressor.

I think it might be a Ge (OC77) boost but I am not sure.

Check the last 6:00

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Re: Compressor recommends?

Hey Silver - that "really cheap compresser" looks great, and it says it is completely transparent. Also confirms what I thought about the IC being a part of the problem.
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Re: Compressor recommends?

Silver Blues
It is indeed completely transparent, I love it.

Yeah, that demo sounds pretty good!
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Compressor recommends?

Question - dual low noise op amps? they recommend the LM358 for Diamante, and NE5532 for really cheap. I was thinking a TL062 might work - do you have thoughts on this?
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Re: Compressor recommends?

Ciaran Haslett
Like Beaker I'm a firm fan of the Janglebox.  The tone switch is quite useful.  I haven't noticed any clipping with my setup and I'm running Fender SCNs for neck and middle and a JB bucker in the bridge.

Yes it's more expensive to build and requires a CA3080 or an LM13700 but I prefer these to vacs or home rolled LED/LDR.  Had a debugging nightmare with a forest green comp after rolling my own and it completely put me off!
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Re: Compressor recommends?

I like the Emma transmorgrifier. But it can get some grit. I've heard great things about the BJFE ones, supposed to be super transparent and natural, to the point where you don't even know they're on until you turn them off.  I've got them on my list too.
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Re: Compressor recommends?

In reply to this post by motterpaul
The BJFE Pale green and Diamante are two that I've built that work well.
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Re: Compressor recommends?

Ciaran Haslett
In reply to this post by rocket88
It's funny....I must be one of the few who borderline hates "transparency".  I get it....I just don't like it!

I like to KNOW I've kicked in an effect.  Take the Timmy for example. Boxed one with a zen as I read so much glowing reports and I swear...waste of a BB box (for me anyway).  I so much prefer the zen over it.  It has an immediate effect on my tone and not just hair on my tone like the Timmy.  I now keep the gain on the T down and just use the EQ.

But back to compressors.  I'm a live player.  I do very little recording.  I like coloration on a stage cos myself/the audience either A wouldn't appreciate the sublities of a fine crafted tone from the fingers or B just can't hear them!  I reckon B to be fair.

Now that's not to say there's no merit in a crafted tone that you simply want to compress.  I just don't have one haha!  To me a compressor must add a certain something to be considered a good one.  Think 1176, distressor, LA etc.  Classic and highly revered comps that are anything but transparent.
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Re: Compressor recommends?

i hear you Ciaran. for me i think with compressors it should sound more natural then transparent. when it's not, for me at least, i feel like it fucks up my sound. things get too squished, or too much drive, which can happen with the emma.
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Re: Compressor recommends?

Silver Blues
In reply to this post by motterpaul
motterpaul wrote
Question - dual low noise op amps? they recommend the LM358 for Diamante, and NE5532 for really cheap. I was thinking a TL062 might work - do you have thoughts on this?
I used a TL072 in my Really Cheap and it works just fine. There's not really any need to go chasing special op-amps (or special anything, really) with this circuit. I even used a random LDR my local shop had kicking around and it didn't adversely affect anything.
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Re: Compressor recommends?

In reply to this post by Ciaran Haslett
Me too. I've never heard a "transparent" compressor that I liked. I like them hot, juicy and greasy, if that means a little extra hiss and noise, then that's a trade off I'm happy to make.
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Re: Compressor recommends?

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Re: Compressor recommends?

No, it's me that's doing it wrong. Kind "So wrong it must be right"!

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Re: Compressor recommends?

haha. that's like so many fuzzes we like. they're so dirty, girtty, and nasty that it's just awesome.
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Re: Compressor recommends?

rocket88 wrote
...they're so dirty, girtty, and nasty that it's just awesome.
lol, keepin' it clean 
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.