Copyright infringement

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Copyright infringement

IVIark - you have fans in India, or Pashtun, or wherever this is from.

I was doing a search on "Octave" guitar effects and this came up (I think I was in Google images) anyway...

It looks like he literally stole the whole article.
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Re: Copyright infringement

I'm no expert, but I do recognise a couple of words - I'm pretty sure it's Indonesian.
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Re: Copyright infringement

Neil mcNasty
In reply to this post by motterpaul
Don't worry guys...!
It sources to this page/site/url (Under the headline)
No infringements, only passion for diy-pedals...
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Re: Copyright infringement

Yeah, the guy has merely set up a new blog , with a source link to tagboard effects, and translated the page into Indonesian.

He must be a BIG fan!
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Re: Copyright infringement

Haha, well I suppose I should take it as a compliment
I'd be more pissed off if he'd removed the blog name off the final layout, but at least that remains, and I expect the vast majority of people who are into building effects on vero will have already come across this site and so will know the source.  But it would be nice if on occasions like this they posted a link to the original so it doesn't antagonise me, and all of us, too much.

Thanks for the heads up Paul
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Re: Copyright infringement

In reply to this post by Beaker
Beaker wrote
Yeah, the guy has merely set up a new blog , with a source link to tagboard effects, and translated the page into Indonesian.

He must be a BIG fan!
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Re: Copyright infringement

In reply to this post by IvIark
No problem. I have had this happen to me so many times it's ridiculous. There's not much you can do, but like you said at the very least he should put in a link.

I think it would be really funny to email and him and say "Hey, thanks for the compliment of borrowing my hard work, but can I ask just one simple favor? Can you add a link to my web site and credit me as the author?"  I'll bet he would shite his knickers (or whatever they say over there).

I don't know how the words "octave effect" took me there but they did.