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Re: DOD FX76

Am I jumping the gun imagining a monster pedal with all my favorite DOD250/MXR Dist+ / Fuzz Face mods in PARALLEL?! I've just been staring at the (slightly off?) schematic going "mmhmm yep here.. and here".

I have a band member already demanding  I build this thing.
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Re: DOD FX76

In reply to this post by Hozy31
Already did. And it doesn't sound close enough. I started to do a trace last night, but didn't get too far.

To get yours alive, remove the link that goes from IC pin 8 to 10 and  replace it with a link from pin 8 to 9. Then the negative lead of 4ยต7 coming from punk 2 needs to connect to IC pin 10. You'll need to take this over the three resistors. That'll let the signal flow to the tone control. Then there is the is the issue with output buffer. Take one lead of 470K resistor to the second row from the top on right (VRef) and other lead to that transistor's base.

With those it'll work and act as a glitchy noise distortion. But still not anywhere close enough.

Tracing the board is annoying and very challenging. The component number silk screens are under the components and thus, not readable. Plus there are dozens of 0R links on the board which makes the perceing even harder. I've posted pics of both sides on FSB a year or so ago. I think i would need a complete, stress free day to trace this. Which i honestly don't have at the moment :( Let me see if and when i can provide the fixed schem so we can get this ball rolling again. Seems to me like there is a demand for the circuit...
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Re: DOD FX76

In reply to this post by Sphere80
That should be easy enough.

Split -> FF / 250 -> blend.

One could maybe add Mark's LPB with Big muff tone control after the blend. With this you could easily use germanium diodes for 250 and etremely low gain transistors for FF without having to worry about volume drop. Whaddayaknow. A new design..

Either way. This circuit won't get you there, so you'll need to do most of the footwork yourself. This is way more glitchier even when it works properly and is comparable to the original.