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Deep Blue Delay Mix

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Deep Blue Delay Mix

66 posts
I've built the four knob version of the DBD and it sounds awesome. Thanks for the layout! I can get some wild oscillation or just some straight up nice delay.  Great! The only thing I'm wondering about is the mix control.  Even at it's minimum setting there still seems to be a decent about of volume on the repeated sound.  I was wondering if there was a way to make this a little more subtle at the fully counter clockwise direction.   Thanks for the help.
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Re: Deep Blue Delay Mix

255 posts
if memory serves the volume controls the volume of repeats not the mixed signal. so i guess turning the volume down should do it
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Re: Deep Blue Delay Mix

66 posts
In reply to this post by Snare227
The volume on mine changes the master volume of everything.  The mix knob acts as it should (ie counter clockwise are low level repeats and clockwise are louder repeats)  I just wondered if there was a way to make that more drastic, so the level of the repeats would be even quieter than they are now when the knob is turned down, so I could get a really subtle delay sound.  Maybe a change in the pot value?

Thanks for your reply.
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Re: Deep Blue Delay Mix

255 posts
just dug mine out and your right about the volume ( must have been confused with something else), however when my mix is fully ccw i get only dry signal, i dont hear repeats until its turned to about 9 oclock and they`re barely audible and get louder as i introduce more wet signal. you might want to look at your pot.
If it wasn't for this website I would definitely have a life.
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Re: Deep Blue Delay Mix

66 posts
In reply to this post by Snare227
Cool man.  That's where I'll look.  Thanks!
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Re: Deep Blue Delay Mix

6 posts
This post was updated on Nov 21, 2016; 5:25pm.
In reply to this post by dexxyy
Hello guys... I was wondering about an issue with my DBD (3knob) I built a while ago...
The pedal works great (with the normal pt2399 distrortion ofcource...) and
it's been for a long time in my pedalboard... However it seems to be very dark
sounding, not only the repeats but the dry signal too! I did a little test to confirm this:
I turned the mix pot all the way counterclockwise to hear only the dry signal and compared
that sound to the sound I get when the pedal is bypassed...The treble loss is more than
obvious when the pedal is on, especially when using it after distortion...
I was wondering if that behaviour is normal for the DBD...
Thank you in advance!