Diamond Compressor

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Diamond Compressor

having built 10 other compressors lately, I just built a Diamond Compressor using Harald's vero layout and I gotta say that it's my favorite out of all of them. very simple to operate and it sounds BIG and punchy. unfortunately it's not simple to build. I changed a few caps to make it into a 'bass' version and added one of Mark's charge pumps to run it on 18V off of a 9V supply, but it still sounds great with guitar too. anyway, here's a couple of pics of it:

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Re: Diamond Compressor

Hi John, I'm planning to build this to use with my bass and I always look for your mods.

I have found how to modify the center frequency of the eq filter to 250Hz as in the bass version and I though that maybe you would like to give it a try. To achieve this just change the filter's capacitors to 20nF (C4 and C5 on Harald's layout).

I used the information in this article and posted my calcs in a blog post.

I have checked it in LTSpice and seems right to me.
LTSpice schem

sim plot

If you want to further customize the filter I've implemented an on-line Tilt EQ Calculator in wich you can specify your desired center frequency and the amount of bass and treble boost (can be asymetric) and it calculates the needed component values: TILT EQ CALCULATOR.

I won't be able to build it until september so if you try it before I would like to hear your comments.
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Re: Diamond Compressor

In reply to this post by johnk
Thanks for sharing John -- This one has been on my list, nice to know Harald's layout is a good one. Nice looking box too :)
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Re: Diamond Compressor

In reply to this post by johnk
Hey John-- Also, what are the two LED indicators indicating exactly? I'm guessing the Diamond original had a dual LED... just curious...
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Re: Diamond Compressor

In reply to this post by YerayM
Hey, thanks for that. i love mine the way that it si right now, but i'll give it a try tomorrow.


On 8/2/2013 2:08 AM, YerayM [via Guitar FX Layouts] wrote:
Hi John, I'm planning to build this to use with my bass and I always look for your mods.

I have found how to modify the center frequency of the eq filter to 250Hz as in the bass version and I though that maybe you would like to give it a try. To achieve this just change the filter's capacitors to 20nF (C4 and C5 on Harald's layout).

I used the information in this article and posted my calcs in a blog post.

I have checked it in LTSpice and seems right to me.
LTSpice schem

sim plot

If you want to further customize the filter I've implemented an on-line Tilt EQ Calculator in wich you can specify your desired center frequency and the amount of bass and treble boost (can be asymetric) and it calculates the needed component values: TILT EQ CALCULATOR.

I won't be able to build it until september so if you try it before I would like to hear your comments.

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Re: Diamond Compressor

In reply to this post by YerayM
thanks for posting that! I love mine the way it is right now but I think that i'll try changing those two caps tomorrow.
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Re: Diamond Compressor

In reply to this post by toddvirgil
they're for compression indication. you can use two or a single red/green one.