Dream pedalboard

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Dream pedalboard

If money, availability and space was not a consideration, what it would be your dream pedalboard?
You can include mods, DIY, etc... :D
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Re: Dream pedalboard

Silver Blues
Hmm that's an interesting question. I will always build more pedals than I'd keep on a board just because it's nice to shake things up every so often, different tones and whatnot, but my "everyday" pedalboard would consist of an overdrive, a fuzz, a compressor, and an envelope filter; BJFe Blueberry for the overdrive (working on it right now), some type of modified Sovtek Muff for the fuzz (I'm experimenting with that, looking at the all-important mids switch, germanium clipping perhaps, and a voltage sag control because Muffs sound amazing at 6v), Really Cheap Bass Compressor (got that built already, don't think I need anything more in a comp than that), and the modded Snow White Auto Wah for an envelope filter (sensitivity mod and germanium diode mod).
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Dream pedalboard

In reply to this post by bsas
My dream effects chain would have a very cheap section and a very expensive section.  I've never understood the pedalboard vs rack thing but you seem to get some people who have to have one and detest the other.  I've always thought that pretty narrow minded and have always wanted to choose the best tools for the job no matter what the form factor is.  Rack dirt (digital), modulation and dynamic effects have never really done it for me.  Yes you can get some great sounds but for me the best has always been from analog pedals.  On the flip side I've never used pedal pitch shifting or time based effects like delay or reverb that could get anywhere near the quality of a great rack effect, and I really dislike analog delay.  So my dream effects chain would pretty much be exactly what I use:

Guitar > Buffer > Retrosonic Phaser > Zendrive > [high gain pedal like Crunchbox or whatever I was in the mood for] > Skreddy Pink Flesh > Timmy > Moollon Chorus > Amp input > FX loop send > TC Electronic G-Force / Eventide Eclipse [in parallel with each other] > FX loop return

Best of both worlds and with my favourite Engl amp I'd have everything I want.

I have originals of all the pedals but it could be really cheap if I made them myself
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Re: Dream pedalboard

Guitar, with internal Fuzz Factory and Wah circuit, for oscillating goodness
Transmitter (cause I HATE cables)
Buffered splitter
Signal path A:
Rab Fuzz
Filter (really digging SWAH at the moment)
Korg A3 set on the Mysterious Ways funkwah patch
Pitch shifting section:
Boss FB-2
EHX Pitchfork
WH-1 Whammy
WH-5 Whammy
Fuzz section
a really gnarly over the top fuzz, Big Cheese or something from Devi Ever
Skreddy Lunar Module
Big Muff, current fav, Skreddy Mayonaise III
Regular dirt section
some overdrive (haven't really found the right one yet)
hi-gain, Stone Grey Distortion, also Triple Wreck.
Since were talking dream pedal board every dirt pedal has its own built in noise gate, preferably the decimator.
Clean section
Boss GE-7 for some EQ
maybe a compressor. Don't really like them, but who knows
Lead section
Skreddy P19
Boss GE-7
All going into a Fender Twin Reverb preamp, and after that in stereo
Eventide H9
Now we're starting to talk multi-FX here. I do like using pedals but I hate twidling knobs in a live setting, so presets rule!
Boss GX-700, so easy to use.
TC Electronic G-Major
Eventide H9
Korg SDD-3000
Korg SDD-3000
TC Electronic 2290
TC Electronic 2290
Eventide H9
probably some TC unit as well
Eventide H9
Stereo looper at the end for looping goodness as well, so as to get loops that do not influence anything else I do ahead in the chain
Stereo power amp into two 4x12 cabs

Signal path B
to be used for shimmer and various assorted keyboard sounds
Volume pedal
Line6 M13
EXH B9/C9/Key9 series
Eventide H9
into an amp. Probably a Fender

It would have to be an uber rack system of doom because there is now way this could all be controlled on stage by tapdancing pedals. Also, presets rule so instead an uber switching unit. Probably one from Bob Bradshaw. Let him worry about all the signal loading and impedance matching.
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Re: Dream pedalboard

In reply to this post by bsas
My dream pedalboard has about 200 pedals on it, so I’ll list my dream gigboard instead.

Assuming I’m using an amp that has decent Tremolo & Reverb.

Fairfield Barbershop Overdrive
Vox Tonebender Mk1.5
Sola Sound Tonebender Mk1 or derivative (fat square wave with no gating)
Pigtronix Mothership (octave, ring mod & crazy effects)
Colorsound Wah/Swell
Mid-Fi Pitch Pirate Deluxe
Subdecay Starlight Deluxe Flanger (quite a different beast to other flangers)
Fully modded Echo Base with tap tempo.
Expression Pedal(s)

I’ve only got two of these (so far): the Colorsound Wah/Swell, to which I added an extra inductor for a Yoy sound, I like the Colorsound ‘cos the backwards pot wiring suits my lead style; and the Tonebender Mk1.5. Mine’s a diy Vox ’67 with larger input and output caps , OC71 & OC75 transistors plus input bias pot . Sounds great, like a less fizzy Fuzz Face and cleans up well with the guitar’s vol pot.

The others pedals are either on my diy list or non diy-able (at present). In fact I’ve no plans to buy either the Pigtronix Mothership or the Starlight Deluxe, ‘cos I prefer to build my own pedals. They’ll probably remain a dream.

I’d also leave an empty space or two on the pedalboard for special guest appearances.