Dumbloid HELP

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Dumbloid HELP

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Re: Dumbloid HELP

Measure the voltages between all transistor and IC pins and ground.  That will always give us the best clue as to where your problem lies.
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Re: Dumbloid HELP

Pictures of your project also always help us to see things you might have done incorrectly. Starting out, it is common to make mistakes that are easy to spot, if we can see what you are doing.
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Re: Dumbloid HELP

In reply to this post by jwseong
I built the version with 2 extra diode.

Wall 9V - 9.52V

C 9.51
B 4.40
E 5.57

C 9.51
B 4.38
E 3.85

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Re: Dumbloid HELP

I've noticed that the weird tone even comes out from the ground!!
So what do I do?
It sounds like this file..


When I turn knobs and switch, the pitch changes. It's like a synth, but no guitar signal. Bypass is clean.
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Re: Dumbloid HELP

Cool, first second and third-order harmonics - but in a sine wave.

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Re: Dumbloid HELP

In reply to this post by jwseong
The voltage on the emitter of Q1 looks very high for something just 10K away from ground.  What transistors have you used and have you socketed them?
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Re: Dumbloid HELP


Problem solved. Accent pot was touching the ground. Hey Mark, could you take a look at my Klon thread? That needs help!! Thank you!

2015. 3. 6. 오전 2:03에 "IvIark [via Guitar FX Layouts]" <[hidden email]>님이 작성:
The voltage on the emitter of Q1 looks very high for something just 10K away from ground.  What transistors have you used and have you socketed them?

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Re: Dumbloid HELP

That is a tough problem to see - glad you caught it.
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Re: Dumbloid HELP


Thank you. I should really test it before boxing it. Now time to move onto my Klone!

2015. 3. 6. 오전 9:55에 "motterpaul [via Guitar FX Layouts]" <[hidden email]>님이 작성:
That is a tough problem to see - glad you caught it.

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Re: Dumbloid HELP

In reply to this post by jwseong
jwseong wrote
Problem solved. Accent pot was touching the ground. Hey Mark, could you
take a look at my Klon thread? That needs help!! Thank you!
Are you The Hudsons?  If so you know you've got everything right to have got it working for 15 minutes, so you need to be looking for something which could be causing an intermittent connection which in most cases will be a cold joint somewhere.  Check the voltages to see if they look good for any clues, and reflow anything that looks dodgy
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Re: Dumbloid HELP


Hi Mark, no im not the hudson.
In the open chat, I posted another thread with pictures and voltages of the klone.

2015. 3. 6. 오전 11:47에 "IvIark [via Guitar FX Layouts]" <[hidden email]>님이 작성:
jwseong wrote
Problem solved. Accent pot was touching the ground. Hey Mark, could you
take a look at my Klon thread? That needs help!! Thank you!
Are you The Hudsons?  If so you know you've got everything right to have got it working for 15 minutes, so you need to be looking for something which could be causing an intermittent connection which in most cases will be a cold joint somewhere.  Check the voltages to see if they look good for any clues, and reflow anything that looks dodgy

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