EH Deluxe Memory Man

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EH Deluxe Memory Man

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It's better to have it & not need it, than to need it & not have it!
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Re: EH Deluxe Memory Man

I heard this was huge even on a pcb, still if it can be done I'd be into it.
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Re: EH Deluxe Memory Man

Rolf Poti
In reply to this post by Milkit
Not a vero thing, but Mad bean will release a pcb for it
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Re: EH Deluxe Memory Man

FUCK ME!  That thing is HUGE.  Think a vero of this is very much off the cards!
It's better to have it & not need it, than to need it & not have it!
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Re: EH Deluxe Memory Man

Yep, and the vero would end up maybe twice the size of the PCB so you'd need to mount it in some sort of old video recorder case or something.  

I'd say that most Analog delays and Flangers that I've seen schematics for would be out for me.  I know some people would still build them, but when you can get great PCBs for them like from Madbean or layouts from them like the ones from Moosapotamus (in the case of the flanger), then I'd recommend everyone do that.  The layout would be a pain, but not as big a pain as supporting it!
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Re: EH Deluxe Memory Man

I agree. Think this one would end up looking like that Dolby SR prototype. ;0)

Would you like me to remove this post, save cluttering up the folder?  

It's better to have it & not need it, than to need it & not have it!
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Re: EH Deluxe Memory Man

The layout is now available in the contributions area and will fit in a 1790NS. I think the hardest part would be ensuring all the cuts are in the correct places.