EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

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EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

Morning all,
I can see what you all mean about this addiction, I have now built my third effect in as many weeks!!! Last night, as soon as the wife went upto bed, I jumped into the man cave and put this together.

The third one is what i need to ask you about though.......

It is the EHX Muff Fuzz (Op-Amp),

Nice Clean soldering and no solder bridges between the strips. (Made sure of that)

I have followed this bad boy to the letter (I've replaced the JRC4558 with a JRC4580, another dual Op-Amp)

I checked all components  before i put them into the circuit using my multimeter, all were good and working fine.
The wiring I'm confused about, I'm not sure how to test the components once theyre in the circuit as i dont know what I'm doing there.

Can any of you guys see what the issue is. The volume control works fine but there is no output. I get a fuzzy/buzzy tone when i touch the circuit (guessing that its grounding out on my finger)

Many thanks

Rocket and all the other guys i was chatting with the other day about tayda. Thanks for that. Ive got another 2 maybe 3 pedals to price up and i'll be putting an order on.
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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

This post was updated on .
Is it supposed to be the Op-Amp layout version in your first picture?
If that's the case you need to rebuild the whole circuit.
If you compare it to the layout the whole thing has been reversed upside down.
Even the opamp has been reversed. You now have ground going to pin 5 instead of pin 4 and +9v going to pin 1 instead of pin 8.
When you look at your layout it should match exactly the one drawn by Mark. Even the cuts.
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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

If I'm not mistaken, you soldered everything "upside down": the vero view is how your circuit should look once components are placed onto it.

So you have to mirror (either mentally or photoshopally) the cuts and jumpers view to perform the cuts on the copper side.
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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

So I've done it all backwards???

and would i need to lay it out like below?

noob mistake

Is the wiring correct though?. if its just a case of rebuilding the board backwards then i can plug away at this while the wife is out
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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

You've built a mirrored version on an orizzontal way.
If you look at your final circuit components positions and Mark's layout you understand what I mean.
That's the exact way it should look at the end.
The layout shows top and bottom at the same time like if it was transparent.
Components and links are at the top of the board, cuts are at the bottom.
This will explaining it better:
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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

I can see exactly wht ive done now. I really shouldnt be making these things after midnight.

Would you say the wiring is correct apart from that?
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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

Everything looks to be right but reversed. So the bottom of the board is on too and the top on the bottom. The wiring looks ok to me. Since every component is reversed, all the parts are the right size you can desolder everything and solder them to the new board in the right place. This way you don't look the parts.

Btw, glad to help out.
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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

Cheers guys, just got the old board desoldered and just placing new connecting strips to the board now.

Initially the wiring was my main concern but now ive realise what ive done.

Steep learning curve with this stuff. Hopefully once I have done a few more pedals and got the understanding of how they work properly, i can start breadboarding my own designs and giving them ago.

Thank you again
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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

Gah, all put right but no signal coming through.
I'm now at a loss of what to do, I dont know how to check values on a circuit.

Everything is in the right place, no bridged tracks. no signal on input tip, but there is on output
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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

Can you take pictures?
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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

hey, yeah.

sorry for the delay, dinnertime in the house.
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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

M. Spencer
Hi there, it appears that your cuts are in the wrong place.

In the layouts the red boxes represent where the tracks are cut on the copper side of the board while looking at the component side of the board top up.

One noob to another: while looking at the component side of the stripboard, drill through the cuts with a slightly larger drill bit. Then flip it over and you can see where to make the cuts on the shiny side with a larger drill bit (twisting it between your fingers).

I have a bunch of "future daughtetboard veros" from before I started using this trick...

good luck!
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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

In reply to this post by mr-nad
From what I can see from the pictures everything appears to be correct. Even the cuts. Are you sure you don't have any bridges? Have you tried to pass a knife between tracks?
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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

In reply to this post by M. Spencer
Hey, all the cuts are in the right place.
If you are referring to the top picture then yeah, i done it backwards.

All strips are cut to double make sure.

I've got a signal, but it sounds like its gated. it starts off sounding fuzzy, then cuts out.

I'm so confused!!!!
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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

In reply to this post by Alex
All strips are cut to double make sure.

I've got a signal, but it sounds like its gated. it starts off sounding fuzzy, then cuts out.

I'm so confused!!!!
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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

In reply to this post by Alex
Would it make a difference that im using a seymour duncan woody pickup as i currently dont have an electric to work with??
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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

I would borrow someone's strat or tele and check out your pedal with a magnetic pickup.  Impendance mismatch of an acoustic pickup make give rise to the gated sound you're hearing.
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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

In reply to this post by mr-nad
What are your voltages? It would help to figure this out. Typically high output pickups can cause an issue, but not something like the woody pickups.
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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

In reply to this post by Frank_NH
Will do, I've got a strat that ive half modded / half butchered. I might just put a single coil pickup in it for now so i can test it out.

Thanks for the response

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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

In reply to this post by rocket88
hi rocket88. jigged up an EVH style rig on my RATcaster this morning to get another avenue of sound. Still getting that gated sound, albeit a lot more prolonged than with the woody.
How would i go a bout checking the voltages on the circuit, this is something ive never done before. Any help you could throw my way would be great
